Henry Makow Rothschild confirms that Communist China is the model, although, so far, the Chinese are far from economically equal. Humanity is being downsized and homogenized. “In your efforts to protect your old and failing civilization we are dismantling, we find these means necessary. If people will allow such vaccines to invade their own bodies and their children’s in order to comply and to be the same or “equal” to “everyone” else they most certainly will not object to or oppose their wealth, use of resources and life styles…
Tag: obedience
Mike Adams, Black privilege reigns supreme in the USA, but it’s the progressive Left that demeans blacks more than anyone else
Mike Adams (Natural News) The way we know that black lives matter more than white lives in America is because when a cop kills a black man, the whole world riots. But when a cop kills a white man, it doesn’t even make the evening news. In this article, I reveal how the progressive Left pushes “black privilege” in a demeaning, condescending way that is an insult to black people everywhere. I also expose the rank hypocrisy of the progressive Left and how its own thought leaders are the ones…