Joachim Hagopian, With Davos a Bust, Are Ruling Elites Growing Desperate with No Way out but World War?

Joachim Hagopian Based on current events of this last week, it appears that we’re seeing more suicidal desperation on the part of the elite controllers dominating the Western puppet regime of US/NATO/EU. Describing the situation in Ukraine in recent months, I’ve repeatedly maintained that ruling bloodline elites per their vassals US/NATO/EU have placed all their eggs in their lost cause war basket of Ukraine, because their “perfect [genocidal] storm” they’ve been cooking up beginning with the 2020 pandemic overreach is now converging this year as their house of cards “Great…

Jacob Rothschild – “Equality” is the End Game

Henry Makow Rothschild confirms that Communist China is the model, although, so far, the Chinese are far from economically equal. Humanity is being downsized and homogenized.   “In your efforts to protect your old and failing civilization we are dismantling, we find these means necessary. If people will allow such vaccines to invade their own bodies and their children’s in order to comply and to be the same or “equal” to “everyone” else they most certainly will not object to or oppose their wealth, use of resources and life styles…