Gordon Duff, The 19th Century Restorationalism — The Construction of Chaos through Malthusianism, Eugenics, and Imperial Geopolitics

By Gordon Duff for TID Iceland: Real History Table of Contents Abstract Introduction: The Threat of Class Consciousness The rise of labor movements and Marxism How elites feared workers uniting across racial and national lines The need to redirect economic struggles into ethnic and religious conflict The Engineering of Racial and Ethnic Divisions to Prevent Marxist Solidarity Malthusianism, eugenics, and manufactured racial hierarchy The British “divide-and-conquer” strategy in India, Africa, and Ireland Ethnic tensions in America: Nativism, Chinese exclusion, and anti-Black policies Zionism and the Reinvention of Jewish Identity as…

Thierry Meyssan, The Quincy Pact only protects the King of Arabia, not his heir

Thierry Meyssan The Panamanians who remember Washington’s arrest of its employee, General Noriega, will not be surprised by the fate reserved for the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. The Jamal Khashoggi affair is one of MBS’s most insignificant crimes, but will probably be his last. The Saoud family is not protected by the Quincy Pact, which only applies to the King. The United States should recuperate several billion dollars The Khashoggi affair is one of the multiple examples of Western variable geometry ethics. The Arabia of the Saoud family For…