Joachim Hagopian, Trump Agenda to Displace Palestinians from Gaza is Known Recipe for Disaster

Joachim Hagopian On Tuesday February 4th, President Donald Trump outlined his latest scheme guaranteed to backfire and fail. He plans to relocate all Palestinians against their choice and will to other Islamic nations in the Middle East. This is all we really need to know about Trump. After all, he really is the devil in disguise, completely owned and controlled by Jewish State founders – City of London Rothschild money changers along with the rest of his bribing Jewish donors. Certainly, it’s no accident that the very first foreign national…

Joachim Hagopian, Israel’s Rafah Ground Invasion – Zionist War Against Islam Is about to Explode

Joachim Hagopian The deadliest ever Israeli bombardment by land, sea and air on Rafah, Gaza Strip’s southernmost border city, took place while America was sidetracked with Superbowl Sunday festivities. On Sunday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went on ABC News “This Week” to announce: Victory is within reach. We’re going to do it. We’re going to get the remaining Hamas terrorist battalions in Rafah, which is the last bastion, but we’re going to do it. Then overnight on Monday February 12th, anywhere from over 100 to 164 Palestinians were reportedly murdered by Israeli attacks. International alarm and condemnation of…


Joachim Hagopian   [Editor’s note: Joachim Hagopian & Omar Khan on The Dean Mackin Show – 05 January 2024 | TNT Radio On today’s show, Joachim Hagopian discusses the release of Epstein documents. Later in the show, Omar Khan discusses the pandemic response in 30 days and revisits the topic of Epstein.] Back channels between Iran supporting the Shiite Houthis and Saudi Sunni supported puppet government in Yemen through the United Nations just revealed the 9-year Yemini “civil war” is coming to an end with a brokered peace plan. With reports that…

China Brokered Peace Agreement Between Saudi Arabia and Iran Marks End of Era of American Unipolar Power

Morrigan Johnson The U.S. has lost respect worldwide and control of West Asia and other regions. Ahistoric peace deal was announced March 10, 2023, with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran adopting a trilateral peace agreement brokered by the People’s Republic of China. In an instant the United States and its NATO allies lost control of West Asia and, most importantly, the international economic system has now begun to fragment. What this deal entailed is principally the normalization and re-establishment of relations between divided foes, Saudi…


Joachim Hagopian On March 17th, the International Criminal Court in Hague issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin based on his so-called “war crimes.” This is the same criminal court that ignored Reiner Fuellmich’s open and shut case presenting all the evidence against the elites’ global conspiracy to commit a fake COVID pandemic to sinisterly induce panic in the world population in order to premeditatedly inject billions with bioweapon poisons proven to kill millions across the planet. Pretending to be blind to hardcore criminal evidence and then a year later falsely accuse…

Massive Implications, Saudi Arabia in Discussion to Join BRICS Coalition – The Outcome Would be Global Energy and Economic Cleaving

sundance  It is very curious timing in this article from Newsweek, containing massive geopolitical implications, using identified Saudi Arabia sources, would come in advance of Joe Biden’s visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Is this strategic geopolitical pressure from Saudi leader Mohamed Bin Salman (MbS) ahead of the meeting with Biden; or is this a genuine possibility that looms as likely?  If the former, then Joe Biden is being geopolitically slow roasted by Saudi Arabia for his previous disparagements and ideological hypocrisy in his visit.  If it is the latter,…

Philip Geraldi, Saudi Oil Attacks: Time to Back Off on the Threats

Philip Geraldi Attacks on two Saudi Arabian oil facilities on Saturday reportedly reduced the production of Aramco, the state oil company, by one half. It was a devastating demonstration of just how vulnerable the Kingdom’s oil economy actually is. Initial reports suggested that the damage had been caused by explosive drones launched by the Houthi rebels in Yemen, who claimed responsibility, but there has been considerable skepticism regarding whether the drones available to the Houthi could actually have carried out the attack. Inevitably, the United States and the Saudis are…

Andrew J. Bacevich, The Trump Administration’s “Diplomacy of Deference”

Andrew J. Bacevich Trump’s actions are constrained by what Saudi and Israeli leaders are willing to tolerate Iran’s seizure of a British-owned oil tanker transiting the Persian Gulf has let loose a fresh round of media war chatter. Yet should another Persian Gulf War actually occur, who would benefit? Not America, that’s for sure. The central theme of present-day American policy regarding Iran is deference. Nominally, US policy is made in Washington. Substantively, it is framed in Riyadh and Jerusalem, with the interests of the United States figuring only minimally…

Gordon Duff and NEO – Mueller Dropping Russia Probe, Says Trump Working for Israel and Saudis

by Gordon Duff with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow The Mueller Russia probe, according to mainstream media sources, Daily Beast, BBC, Vanity Fair, UK Independent, Mother Jones, al Jazeera, the UK Guardian and others, as of mid-December 2018, has changed direction. [Editor’s note: Let me say right off the bat that Duff has a long history with the CIA and gave me the boot from Veterans Today in 2015 for writing about JADEHELM15. So I do not take for granted the accuracy of his reporting. In this case, however, it coincides with…

Douglas A. Yates: Khashoggi murder exposes agenda; selective narrative distorts reality

 By Douglas A. Yates In near lockstep, the media industry used the murder of Jamal Khashoggi to elevate his status to a journalist, a truth-teller. The Saudi official in exile is presented as a champion of peace and justice in the Mideast. However, when the claims are matched to Khashoggi’s life, the resulting profile suggests pertinent facts are missing. In the 1980s, Adnan Khashoggi (1935-2017), Jamal’s uncle, was among the richest men in the world. Backed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Adnan was a premier weapons dealer for…