Joachim Hagopian, My Response to Paul Craig Roberts: ‘Why doesn’t Washington want to resolve a dangerous crisis?’

Joachim Hagopian Russian President Vladimir Putin just warned: In the event of the use of long-range weapons, the Russian Armed Forces will again have to make decisions about expanding the sanitary zone further (…) Do they want global conflict? It seemed they wanted to negotiate [with us], but we don’t see much desire to do this. UK, France, Germany, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and now even Joe Biden have agreed to allow Ukraine to launch NATO longer-range missiles to strike targets deeper inside Russia. Reacting to this growing chorus of all the top Western…

Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Upside-Down World Spins: Superbowl, Year of Dragons and Demons

Joachim Hagopian No doubt special counsel Robert Hur’s leaked report to the press this week was timed to take public focus away from Tucker Carlson’s highly revealing interview with Vladimir Putin, proving the West demonized Russian leader as the only seemingly honest and genuine adult on the world stage, is clearly not interested in waging world war against US/NATO. Then, contrast Putin’s prudence and competence with the released assessment concluding Joe Biden’s incapacity to stand trial for misplacing troves of highly classified documents as “leader of the free world.” With imposter-in-thief Braindead occupying a stolen White House showing…


Joachim Hagopian website posted the Tucker Carlson interview with President Vladimir Putin. It shows Putin in fine form casually answering Tucker’s varied questions on many topics. Tucker Carlson in Moscow this week has attracted a lot of attention, even from mainstream news though it’s tainted and biased. The usual neocons like Bill Kristol and RINO Rep. Adam Kinzinger are calling Carlson a traitor who should not be allowed to return to America. Tucker was tipped off that the NSA put him on their up close and personal watchlist throughout. The ample pre-coverage…

Joachim Hagopian, Godless Globalism is Normalizing Today’s Insanity, Deception, Pedophilia, and Pure Evil

Joachim Hagopian   This presentation attempts to connect the dots to illustrate the myriad of ways that truth and reality, just like humanity itself, are all under unprecedented attack worldwide by the centralized parasitic cabal, especially infesting today’s Western Deep State cancel culture. The bloodline controllers worshipping Satan systematically subvert honesty, open discourse, pursuit and inquiry of truth in their rejection of God’s natural law of justice, rendering these ideals taboo in their upside-down, godless, loveless world. In fact, the elites are all about criminalizing the truth as a means…

Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world

Robert Malone, M.D. [Editor’s note: While I liked this piece initially, it appears to be designed to distract from the real perps, including Israel, the New World Order, and (especially) the Rothschild Banking Empire. In other words, upon further reflection, I reluctantly conclude that this is a brilliant piece of propaganda.] The mRNA pioneer’s reluctant conclusion came during a speech at the recent 2023 White Coat Summit. (LifeSiteNews) — In a speech at the 2023 White Coat Summit, Dr. Robert Malone asked the crucial question about the so-called COVID vaccines: “Why would…

Joachim Hagopian, US Government Possesses Nonhuman Spacecraft and Reverse-Engineered Antigravity Technologies

Joachim Hagopian Huge UFO disclosures this week on a number of fronts. Deep State crimes that have been guarded and kept secret from the public forever are now being dropped daily as major bombshells. Dr. Steven Greer, the head of the UFO Disclosure Project, on Monday June 12th, held an eye-opening national press conference deemed the Historic Disclosure Conference in Washington DC, not so much on alien ET spacecraft as the criminal secret black operations projects that have been going on for over seventy years that include at least 145 crashed…

Joachim Hagopain, Who Caused the Kakhovka Dam Bust? Early Analysis Points to Ukraine

Joachim Hagopian Prior to addressing the major developments this week in Ukraine, a brief historical review provides the contextual background for today’s events. The Rothschild Khazarian mafia/City of London plotted the complete destruction of Western civilization in favor of a multipolar world, run chiefly by emerging geopolitical kingpins Russia (for its unlimited natural resources) and China (as the world’s largest manufacturing base), in covert partnership with the City of London RKM after years earlier secretly courting and grooming both Putin and Xi Jinping’s rise to power. Additionally, a scheme to make Ukraine the next…


By Joachim Hagopian Whereas Part 1 of the Epstein-Rothschild nexus focused on revelations exposing the Swiss branch of the banking dynasty in Ariane de Rothschild’s intimate ties with the pedophile, part 2 will examine the late Evelyn and his widowed wife Lynn Forester de Rothschild’s enduring close relationship to both Epstein and Guislaine Maxwell as well as the Clinton crime family. Right after Epstein’s staged jailcell “mishap” in August 2019, conveniently quickly ruled suicide, hardly anyone believes it was anything but another “suicided” murder by the criminal cabal in order to…

Joachim Hagopian, With Davos a Bust, Are Ruling Elites Growing Desperate with No Way out but World War?

Joachim Hagopian Based on current events of this last week, it appears that we’re seeing more suicidal desperation on the part of the elite controllers dominating the Western puppet regime of US/NATO/EU. Describing the situation in Ukraine in recent months, I’ve repeatedly maintained that ruling bloodline elites per their vassals US/NATO/EU have placed all their eggs in their lost cause war basket of Ukraine, because their “perfect [genocidal] storm” they’ve been cooking up beginning with the 2020 pandemic overreach is now converging this year as their house of cards “Great…


Joachim Hagopian   Barely two months into Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine, on May 4th, 2022 The New York Times ran an explosive article with the bombshell headline “U.S. Intelligence is Helping Ukraine Kill Russian Generals, Officials Say.” Its opening sentence emphatically states: The United States has provided intelligence about Russian units that has allowed Ukrainians to target and kill many of the Russian generals who have died in action in the Ukraine war, according to senior American officials. In that same May article, Ukrainian officials with a dubious reputation for…