Mike Palecek, Common Sense

Mike Palecek [available at Lulu. com]​ Dedicated To: Jim Fetzer, Wolfgang Halbig, Monika Schaefer, Christopher Bollyn, Scott Creighton, Sofia Smallstorm, Kevin Barrett, David Ray Griffin, Penn Jones, Terrible Tim, Debbie Lusignan, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ken O’Keefe, Dave McGowan, et. al Also dedicated to those hundreds of people, in Biloxi, Baraboo, Barstow, Butte, Bancroft and Brooklyn, those people who, on Nov. 22, or Nov. 23, or Nov. 24, 1963, or sometime during the following week, on a long or short walk, or at the kitchen table pouring Froot Loops for the kids or…

Alex Jones must pay damages to Sandy Hook families after calling shooting a ‘giant hoax,’ judge rules

By Timothy Bella [Editor’s note: Alex Jones discredited himself when he said that he now believed Sandy Hook was real and that his false belief to the contrary was the result of “a form of psychosis”. Refusing to turn over videos and documents (such as old Infowar shows) already in the public domain appears to be legally inexcusable and politically preposterous unless the objective was to scuttle the trial altogether. By being on both sides of the question, he was fatally compromised and no longer significant as a player on…