Joachim Hagopian, As Israel-US Escalate Middle East War, More Staged Kabuki Theater at Home

Joachim Hagopian As predicted, the Zionist Israel controlled Synagogue of Satan Trump administration is deliberately escalating hostilities in the Middle East toward all-out US-Israel World War III against Iran and its Islamic Axis of Resistance in Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza. In recent years, the US has significantly increased its occupying military forces to exceed 40,000 soldiers and seamen spread throughout the West Asia-Middle East region in preparation for yet more Greater Israel Project wars against Islam resistance forces led by Iran. Make no mistake, the US military troops deployed in this volatile region of…

“You Murderous Hypocrites”: Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests ‘Amnesty’ For Pandemic Authoritarians

BY TYLER DURDEN The Atlantic has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking, and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine – for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most, should all be water under the bridge. “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID,” writes Brown Professor Emily Oster – a huge lockdown proponent, who now pleads from mercy from the once-shunned.…