Joachim Hagopian Without fail, every week global tensions keep heating up on two kinetic warfronts Ukraine and Middle East, while the next designated third warfront Taiwan also ratchets up. The globalists’ long planned, now staged, grand fireworks endgame finale, their conjured-up West vs. East WWIII Armageddon showdown, at the not so OK Corral, by the day looms ever more imminent than ever. It’s all being centrally scripted by the same bloodline controllers, you know, the same usual suspects. Since the Napoleonic Wars, the City of London moneylender central banksters maintain…

David Neal, Why the Assassination of JFK Matters to Us Today

By David Neal To keep the peace and defend the country are a U.S. President’s primary duty. Contrary to many shallow historians, President John F. Kennedy was not going into Vietnam with ground troops; he was pulling 1000 “advisors” out in Dec 1963, all the rest of them by 1965. (see NSAM 263).  He was murdered on Nov 22, 1963, one month before the first 1000 could be pulled out.  Lyndon Johnson reversed this order with NSAM273 four days after the murder and by March 1965 500,000 American soldiers were in Vietnam. The…

CIA Behind Secret Plots to Kidnap, Torture and Assassinate Ukrainian Dissidents for President Zelensky, says Ukraine Defector

Jeremy Kuzmarov Techniques of Torture and Assassination Deployed by the SBU (Ukraine’s CIA) Recall the U.S.’s Brutal “Operation Phoenix” in Vietnam Vasily Prozorov, a former officer with the Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) stated soon after his defection to Russia in 2018 that the SBU had been advised by the CIA since 2014. “CIA employees [who have been present in Kyiv since 2014] are residing in clandestine apartments and suburban houses,” he said. “However, they frequently come to the SBU’s central office for holding, for example, specific meetings or plotting secret operations.” See…