Joachim Hagopian A Monday July 8th Politico article quotes Joe Biden in a private call made to his top donors, saying: I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye. Five days later at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a failed assassin’s bullet grazed Trump’s bleeding ear while giving a speech onstage, and suddenly that Biden statement, “it’s time to put Trump in a…

Joachim Hagopian, With ‘Friends’ Like Israel, Who Needs Enemies? Zionist Connection to JFK Murder and Beyond

Joachim Hagopian America has not had a president since the criminal Deep State cabal assassinated the last White House occupant who actually tried valiantly to represent the American people and defend our Constitution. Since John F. Kennedy violently exited this earth in November 1963, every president since, all eleven of them have been mere puppets obediently doing what their Khazarian controllers tell them, bar none.   The moneychanger City of London bankers were determined to have a decade long war in Southeast Asia, resulting in the wrongful death of upwards…

William de Berg, Assassination Talk Is in the Air

William de Berg “The protective shield that all democracies and social orders rely on – legitimacy of the governing body, some level of elite responsibility, the willingness of citizens to view their neighbors in a civic way – is in an advanced stage of decline or collapse.  … It’s quite possible that the powder keg that America’s sitting on will explode over the course of 2024.” –  Dr. Larry Jacobs, University of Minnesota [1] 2024 is already starting out as the most volatile in modern presidential history.   The rhetoric—and violence—has…

60 Years After JFK’s Death It Is More and More Apparent that Kennedy Was a Victim of a Palace Coup—Spearheaded by Vice-President Johnson

Jeremy Kuzmarov The peaceful succession of presidents is sacrosanct in American democracy and marks the United States as an “exceptional nation” which does not experience the same kind of palace intrigues and coups as other nations. Conventional wisdom holds that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, by Lee Harvey Oswald, a deranged lone assassin and communist—as the officially sanctioned Warren Commission concluded. [Source:] An alternative theory advanced most popularly in Oliver Stone’s 1993 blockbuster film JFK suggests that Oswald was a patsy working as part of a larger…

David Neal, Why the Assassination of JFK Matters to Us Today

By David Neal To keep the peace and defend the country are a U.S. President’s primary duty. Contrary to many shallow historians, President John F. Kennedy was not going into Vietnam with ground troops; he was pulling 1000 “advisors” out in Dec 1963, all the rest of them by 1965. (see NSAM 263).  He was murdered on Nov 22, 1963, one month before the first 1000 could be pulled out.  Lyndon Johnson reversed this order with NSAM273 four days after the murder and by March 1965 500,000 American soldiers were in Vietnam. The…

State of the Nation, The Khazarian Cabal vs. President John F. Kennedy: A Fight to the Death

Revisionist Historians for World Peace SOTN Exclusive [Editor’s note: My collaborative research similarly posits eight (8) shooters in Dealey Plaza, but in a slightly different arrangement. If we distinguish between the SPONSORS, the FACILITATORS, and the MECHANICS, then each of the SPONSORS appears to have put up its own shooter, including Lyndon Johnson’s personal hitman, Malcolm “Mac” Wallace, as I have explained on many occasions, where by my take Israel had one shooter, who was in the vicinity of the Pergola. So my arrangement would look more like this than…


By Joachim Hagopian The disturbing story out of Moscow this week is the car bomb assassination of 29-year old Russian journalist Darya Dugina, daughter of Russian nationalist, philosopher and geopolitical strategist Aleksandr Dugin. Western media often has called the 60-year old Dugin “Putin’s brain” and a close Putin ally, yet no evidence or photograph proving they’ve ever met has surfaced, much less indicate Dugin ever influenced Moscow’s foreign policy with no direct Kremlin ties. Yet both father and daughter are clearly pro-Russian nationalists. The near constant Western aggression and provocation against Russia as its designated…


Joachim Hagopian One of the most bizarre major stories in recent weeks has been the death of popular Hollywood actress Anne Heche. Her strange car crash earlier this month had her traveling in her blue Mini Cooper at an outrageous speed of about 90 miles per hour prior to careening into a second story home in the residential LA Westside neighborhood of Mar Vista on Friday August 5th, 2022. According to the LA Fire Department report: 59 Firefighters took 65 minutes to access, confine and fully extinguish the stubborn flames within the…

CIA Behind Secret Plots to Kidnap, Torture and Assassinate Ukrainian Dissidents for President Zelensky, says Ukraine Defector

Jeremy Kuzmarov Techniques of Torture and Assassination Deployed by the SBU (Ukraine’s CIA) Recall the U.S.’s Brutal “Operation Phoenix” in Vietnam Vasily Prozorov, a former officer with the Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) stated soon after his defection to Russia in 2018 that the SBU had been advised by the CIA since 2014. “CIA employees [who have been present in Kyiv since 2014] are residing in clandestine apartments and suburban houses,” he said. “However, they frequently come to the SBU’s central office for holding, for example, specific meetings or plotting secret operations.” See…

Paul Craig Roberts, “The Empire of Lies”

Paul Craig Roberts [Editor’s note: Paul Craig Roberts, whom I admire, missed the boat when he asserts that Putin is a globalist. My take would be that, while he may have been a member of the World Economic Forum years ago, he has long since recognized it’s aspirations are inconsistent with nation-states and democratic republics. Those who doubt must read his “Empire of Lies” speech, which lays out explicitly why he had to conduct this “special military operation” into Ukraine. I regard Putin as the only true statesman astride the…