Even Your Best Friends Won’t Tell You: Ahmadinejad’s UN General Assembly Speech

Jerry Mazza, an independent journalist in New York, has written another brilliant piece about the truth of 9/11 in relation to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s observations that an international investigation should be conducted to determine who was responsible for 9/11.  President  Barack Obama promply called Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s remarks at the United Nations yesterday “offensive” and “hateful.” According to NEWSMAX, “In his first comments on the Iranian leader’s statement that the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks may have been orchestrated to bolster the U.S. economy and “save the Zionist regime,” Obama told BBC…


Among the vast number of books that have been written about the death of JFK, perhaps none has been as successful at explaining why he was taken out as James Douglass, JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE (2008). This superb volume traces JFK’s evolution from a cold warrior to a man of peace in a gripping, effortlessly readable study of admirable scholarship. In my estimation, this is the single best volume to understand why he died and why it matters. A review of the book that has appeared in Global Research Canada…