[Editor’s note: Democrats are so scared of Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) that they have taken the unprecedented step of stripping her of her committee assignments, the first time the majority party in the House has interfered with the minority party’s rights and privileges, which reinforces the point that they are the undemocratic party, better renamed “The Party of Despotism”.
The AP has documented a few of her positions, but not on either Sandy Hook or the Parkland school shootings, no doubt because they are afraid of encouraging the public to take a closer look. Both were staged events where nobody died. For those in doubt, check these out on Sandy Hook and on Parkland. Here I offer additional sources substantiating her take on those they cite.]
WASHINGTON (AP) — Freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia Republican, has been stripped of her committee assignments by the House Democratic majority over racist remarks, her embrace of conspiracy theories and her past endorsement of violence against leading Democratic officials.
Greene, 46, is a newcomer to politics, and previously worked for her family’s construction business in Georgia. She was labeled a “future Republican Star” by former President Donald Trump, whose political style she emulates. The House Democrats took the unusual step on Thursday.
Here’s a look at some of Greene’s past statements and social media posts, many of which were deleted after the liberal group Media Matters unearthed them online.
Las Vegas mass shooting
In 2017, Stephen Paddock opened fire from a hotel room window overlooking an outdoor country music festival in Las Vegas, killing 58 people. Afterward, Greene suggested that the shooting might have been staged.“How do you get avid gun owners and people that support the Second Amendment to give up their guns and go along with anti-gun legislation?” Greene asked in an online video. “You make them scared, you make them victims and you change their mindset and then possibly you can pass anti-gun legislation. Is that what happened in Las Vegas?”“I don’t believe (Paddock) pulled this off all by himself, and I know most of you don’t either,” Greene said.AP FILE
She even found the LVPD “crime map” for the square mile around the concert area, which shows minor infractions (burglary, assault and battery, and such) but no shooting incidents–and the local hospitals confirm that no shooting victims were admitted following the incident, which one referred to as having been “a drill”. The AP does no research and does not know the difference between fantasy and reality ]
Space lasers
In 2018, a poorly maintained electrical grid sparked a California wildfire that killed 84 people. In a Facebook post in November of that year, Greene falsely speculated that darker forces were at work.Connecting a series of scattershot points, Greene suggested a bank controlled by the Rothschild family, who are Jewish, a utility company responsible for the fire and then-Gov. Jerry Brown had a compelling motive to spark the blaze: clearing the path for a high speed rail project Brown wanted. She also floated the possibility that the fires could have been started by “lasers or blue beams of light” shot down from space by allies of Brown who were said to be in the solar energy industry.“There are too many coincidences to ignore,” she wrote.AP FILE
[Editor’s note: There appears to be no alternative explanation for the destruction of the homes (reduced to cinder ash) while the surrounding trees and shrubbery are (virtually) completely unaffected.
They do not appear to be natural but to be man-made, where the use of lasers would explain the phenomena. MTG is hardly the only person to suspect the use of directed-energy laser devices, but that’s the impression the AP wants to convey as a form of special pleading fallacy of only citing evidence favorable to your side.]
Omar and Tlaib
In February 2019, Greene appeared in an online video filmed at the U.S. Capitol, arguing that Democratic Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan weren’t “really official” members of Congress because they didn’t take the oath of office on the Bible. Both women are Muslim.“I really want to go talk to these ladies and ask them what they are thinking, and why they are serving in our American government,” Greene said. “They really should go back to the Middle East.”Tlaib was born in Detroit. Omar was born in Somalia and came to the U.S. when she was 12, becoming a U.S. citizen five years later.AP FILE
[Editor’s note: Nice example of a straw man by offering an exaggerated or feeble example of a position to make it easier to attack. MTG has been pointed in taking on members of “The Squad”, where she has savaged Ilhan Omar for having married her brother, which is only one among her many outrageous acts:
In May 2018, a Facebook user purporting to be the mother of a New York police officer falsely claimed that the officer had seen a video taken from the laptop of disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner that showed Hillary Clinton and a top aide cutting off a child’s face. Greene “liked” the comment and replied, “Most people honestly don’t know so much. The (mainstream media) disinformation warfare has won for too long!” AP FILE
[Editor’s note: The videos on Anthony Weiner’s laptop–which James Comey suppressed in relation to the 2016 election, just as Christopher Wrey did of the Hunter Biden laptop for the 2020 election–are so horrific that I have hesitated to say publicly what the AP has published here, but which appears to be accurate, as I have documented in my “Pizzagate: Real or Fiction? The American Franchise of Pedogate”. This does not appear to be disinformation but gruesome fact.
Wikileak revelations have included that Barack Obama spent $65,000 flying pizza and hot dogs from Chicago to the White House for a private party. What you need to know is that (1) the White House does not accept food from outside sources to circumvent the prospect of food poisoning; (2) that actual hot dogs and pizza flown from Chicago would be soggy and inedible; and (3) that in the language of pedophilia, “hot dogs” stands for little boys and “pizza” for little girls.]
Nancy Pelosi
Greene once suggested in an online video that Pelosi could be executed for treason.“She’s a traitor to our country, she’s guilty of treason,” Greene says in the video, which CNN first reported. “And it’s, uh, it’s a crime punishable by death is what treason is. Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason.”She also “liked” a January 2019 Facebook post that called for “a bullet to the head” of Pelosi. AP FILE
In November 2018, Greene shot a video in which she talked about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, referring to a “so-called” plane that crashed into the Pentagon. She added, “It’s odd, there’s never any evidence shown for a plane in the Pentagon.”She also “liked” a comment posted by a Facebook user in 2018 who falsely argued that 9/11 was “done by our own Gov.” Greene responded: “That is all true.”AP FILE
Notice that even the photo the AP included here does not show any debris from a plane having hit the Pentagon. Indeed, all four of the 9/11 crash sites were faked–albeit in different ways–which I even confirmed with Maj.Gen. Albert Stubblebine, (USA, ret.), who was formerly in charge of all US military signals intelligence, and who therefore also stands in agreement with Marjorie Taylor Greene.]
For more proof substantiating her positions, check out moonrockbooks.com, where six of our books–on Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Orlando and Dallas, Charlottesville, Parkland and (even) the moon landing–have been banned.
Another case in which I do not agree with Stone, but posting this just to see the other side. Personally, if I see no results within a month, I have my own contingency plans and they may not include staying in this country. I hate to have to say that, but I refuse to commit suicide by staying in what may shortly become a hell hole. As always time will tell who is right. We had better pray WE ARE!
ANNOUNCEMENT: All the “experts” are claiming Trump will take office on March 4.
If you believe any of this bull****, please remember how much Q came true and DO NOT LET THEM SET ANOTHER DATE AFTER MARCH 4 COMES AND GOES.
Even if Biden is doing everything from a movie set he’s IN CHARGE, the coup is complete.
Pingback: Jim Fetzer, Ph.D., Conspiracy Theorists are Investigating Crimes: No wonder they want to silence us! - James Fetzer
USA military coup
If Jim Fetzer is right there is a military coup on in USA????
I do not think it is true but it may be????????
One thing for sure I tried to email a mate the link and outlook and gmail rejected the emails because of the content?????
‘Fahrenheit 9/11’: Not a Single Democratic Senator Joins with House Objections to Bush/Gore
Democrat Gore , or any senator could have made Gore president for the democrats, and stopped Bush and the middle east invasion and 9/11. both sides of politics work together against the people https://www.youtube.com/watch?.v=TnNMlBTkF_s&t=9s
Here’s a remarkable account of what went on in the WH between Byrne, Flynn, Powell and Rudy. NOT TO BE MISSED.
Pay no attention to the typical click bait crap from Makow. In no way does this conversation between Trump and all the above portray Trump as a traitor….naive, yes…but a traitor…absolutely not. This is why, as with Stone and Fulford, I am careful with Makow.
Will, very revealing video. The best I’ve seen so far on the inside story of Trump’s decision to cede the election to the New World Order traitors. Very disappointing profile of a tired old man who wanted to play golf in Florida rather than stand up for the American people. I wouldn’t wait for March 4 any longer, patriots. Some pertinent conclusions: while Sydney Powell appears to be a genuine patriot who attempted to expose the fraudulent election and save Trump’s overwhelming election by the American people, Rudy Giuliani may well have been a mole intent on sabotaging the effort from the inside under the cover of his egoistic inability to work with Powell. Remember, Giuliani played a key role in the 911 False Flag. As always, look to the Rothschilds, who print our money without audit and use it to bribe and blackmail everyone who can be bribed and blackmailed as the guiding hand in all this.
JFT….I’ll give it another month or so and will then have to make some personal decisions.
I’ll be the eternal optimist as long as it’s remotely feasible.
Michigan Senator Mike Shirkey Thinks Capitol Riot Was ‘Staged,’ Mitch McConnell Was ‘Part of It’
Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey said in a recent conversation that “Trump people” weren’t responsible for the riot at the U.S. Capitol and that people “wanted a mess” ahead of the violence.
Shirkey’s comments were recorded in a video that was posted on YouTube after he met with members of the Hillsdale County Republican Party. The local GOP group later voted to censure him for not supporting former President Donald Trump enough and for failing to stand up to Governor Gretchen Whitmer with regard to the Second Amendment and COVID-19 restrictions.
The conversation began as a meeting about his upcoming censure but turned attention to the Capitol riot. When asked “What about the D.C. thing?” Shirkey called it a “hoax from day one.”
“Why wasn’t there more security?” Shirkey asked. “It was ridiculous. It was all staged.”
Shirkey called Washington, D.C, Mayor Muriel Bowser a “puppet” and blamed Senator Mitch McConnell for being “part of it” because he said he was involved in the decision-making process about security.
“I think they wanted to have a mess,” Shirkey said, adding that the “mess” was partially attributable to people who were recruited to participate and to those who got “caught up” in the emotion of being in a mob.
“It’s looney. I’ve known him for more than 10 years and what I saw in that video is not the guy I knew,” Jeff Timmer, former executive director of the Michigan Republican Party and senior advisor to the Lincoln Project, told Newsweek. “We’re seeing the unfiltered view of this guy…He’s unfit to lead the Michigan Senate.”
Michigan Senate Leader Mike Shirkey said the Capitol riot was “staged” and that “Trump people” weren’t to blame. Above, supporters of former President Donald Trump protest inside the Capitol on January 6 in Washington, D.C.
In the wake of the riot, McConnell, a staunch ally of the former president’s, put the blame on Trump, saying he “provoked” people who wanted to overturn President Joe Biden’s election victory. He added that they were “fed lies” and called for an investigation into Capitol security.
“The ultimate blame for yesterday lies with the unhinged criminals who broke down doors, trampled our nation’s flag, fought with law enforcement, and tried to disrupt our democracy, and with those who incited them. But this fact does not and will not preclude our addressing the shocking failures in the Capitol’s security posture and protocols,” McConnell said in a statement.
Newsweek reached out to Shirkey and McConnell for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.
The Michigan Republican leader isn’t the first to question whether members of Congress played a role in the riot, but there’s been no credible evidence to back up the speculation.
Sure…no credible evidence…just like there is no credible evidence for election fraud.
We are truly living in bizarro world.
Here’s an expose (on the scene) of how the Capitol riot was organized and directed. The Trump team needs to show this during this fake impeachment trial, because it blows the case against him out of the water! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBhzqV_C9-Y
During the past several thousand years of world government failures its been observed that it was not just one leader failing but the failure of the entire governments, from top to bottom.
This is exactly what we see in the United States at this moment. Even the Supreme Court of the US is in failure mode…..refusing to hear many important cases for dubious reasons.
AOC….who can argue…SHE was there, eh? Gotta love this photo-shop!
from Stone:
If you post the following, you are guilty of sedition and a terrorist.
This was posted to Imgur
Another case in which I do not agree with Stone, but posting this just to see the other side. Personally, if I see no results within a month, I have my own contingency plans and they may not include staying in this country. I hate to have to say that, but I refuse to commit suicide by staying in what may shortly become a hell hole. As always time will tell who is right. We had better pray WE ARE!
ANNOUNCEMENT: All the “experts” are claiming Trump will take office on March 4.
If you believe any of this bull****, please remember how much Q came true and DO NOT LET THEM SET ANOTHER DATE AFTER MARCH 4 COMES AND GOES.
Even if Biden is doing everything from a movie set he’s IN CHARGE, the coup is complete.
USA military coup
If Jim Fetzer is right there is a military coup on in USA????
I do not think it is true but it may be????????
One thing for sure I tried to email a mate the link and outlook and gmail rejected the emails because of the content?????
BillAu…Using gmail is supporting big tech. Why not switch to Protonmail or Tutanota…all encrypted …free and NO CENSORSHIP.
No democrat senator helped Gore to beat Bush , including himself
I got around the block by pasting the image of it. It may be some usage problem, I can send it to my other email.
‘Fahrenheit 9/11’: Not a Single Democratic Senator Joins with House Objections to Bush/Gore
Democrat Gore , or any senator could have made Gore president for the democrats, and stopped Bush and the middle east invasion and 9/11. both sides of politics work together against the people https://www.youtube.com/watch?.v=TnNMlBTkF_s&t=9s
Banker tells president to “speed it up” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvVAPsn3Fpk
Here’s a remarkable account of what went on in the WH between Byrne, Flynn, Powell and Rudy. NOT TO BE MISSED.
Pay no attention to the typical click bait crap from Makow. In no way does this conversation between Trump and all the above portray Trump as a traitor….naive, yes…but a traitor…absolutely not. This is why, as with Stone and Fulford, I am careful with Makow.
All audio…
Will, very revealing video. The best I’ve seen so far on the inside story of Trump’s decision to cede the election to the New World Order traitors. Very disappointing profile of a tired old man who wanted to play golf in Florida rather than stand up for the American people. I wouldn’t wait for March 4 any longer, patriots. Some pertinent conclusions: while Sydney Powell appears to be a genuine patriot who attempted to expose the fraudulent election and save Trump’s overwhelming election by the American people, Rudy Giuliani may well have been a mole intent on sabotaging the effort from the inside under the cover of his egoistic inability to work with Powell. Remember, Giuliani played a key role in the 911 False Flag. As always, look to the Rothschilds, who print our money without audit and use it to bribe and blackmail everyone who can be bribed and blackmailed as the guiding hand in all this.
JFT….I’ll give it another month or so and will then have to make some personal decisions.
I’ll be the eternal optimist as long as it’s remotely feasible.
NEWSWEEK: https://www.newsweek.com/michigan-senator-mike-shirkey-thinks-capitol-riot-was-staged-mitch-mcconnell-was-part-it-1568075
Michigan Senator Mike Shirkey Thinks Capitol Riot Was ‘Staged,’ Mitch McConnell Was ‘Part of It’
Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey said in a recent conversation that “Trump people” weren’t responsible for the riot at the U.S. Capitol and that people “wanted a mess” ahead of the violence.
Shirkey’s comments were recorded in a video that was posted on YouTube after he met with members of the Hillsdale County Republican Party. The local GOP group later voted to censure him for not supporting former President Donald Trump enough and for failing to stand up to Governor Gretchen Whitmer with regard to the Second Amendment and COVID-19 restrictions.
The conversation began as a meeting about his upcoming censure but turned attention to the Capitol riot. When asked “What about the D.C. thing?” Shirkey called it a “hoax from day one.”
“Why wasn’t there more security?” Shirkey asked. “It was ridiculous. It was all staged.”
Shirkey called Washington, D.C, Mayor Muriel Bowser a “puppet” and blamed Senator Mitch McConnell for being “part of it” because he said he was involved in the decision-making process about security.
“I think they wanted to have a mess,” Shirkey said, adding that the “mess” was partially attributable to people who were recruited to participate and to those who got “caught up” in the emotion of being in a mob.
“It’s looney. I’ve known him for more than 10 years and what I saw in that video is not the guy I knew,” Jeff Timmer, former executive director of the Michigan Republican Party and senior advisor to the Lincoln Project, told Newsweek. “We’re seeing the unfiltered view of this guy…He’s unfit to lead the Michigan Senate.”
Michigan Senate Leader Mike Shirkey said the Capitol riot was “staged” and that “Trump people” weren’t to blame. Above, supporters of former President Donald Trump protest inside the Capitol on January 6 in Washington, D.C.
In the wake of the riot, McConnell, a staunch ally of the former president’s, put the blame on Trump, saying he “provoked” people who wanted to overturn President Joe Biden’s election victory. He added that they were “fed lies” and called for an investigation into Capitol security.
“The ultimate blame for yesterday lies with the unhinged criminals who broke down doors, trampled our nation’s flag, fought with law enforcement, and tried to disrupt our democracy, and with those who incited them. But this fact does not and will not preclude our addressing the shocking failures in the Capitol’s security posture and protocols,” McConnell said in a statement.
Newsweek reached out to Shirkey and McConnell for comment but did not receive a response in time for publication.
The Michigan Republican leader isn’t the first to question whether members of Congress played a role in the riot, but there’s been no credible evidence to back up the speculation.
Sure…no credible evidence…just like there is no credible evidence for election fraud.
We are truly living in bizarro world.
Here’s an expose (on the scene) of how the Capitol riot was organized and directed. The Trump team needs to show this during this fake impeachment trial, because it blows the case against him out of the water! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBhzqV_C9-Y
During the past several thousand years of world government failures its been observed that it was not just one leader failing but the failure of the entire governments, from top to bottom.
This is exactly what we see in the United States at this moment. Even the Supreme Court of the US is in failure mode…..refusing to hear many important cases for dubious reasons.