FAKE NEWS: The New York Times celebrates a Charlottesville Stunt Man, a Shopped Photo and a Crisis Actor (who made her debut in Sandy Hook)

Jim Fetzer The New York Times (20 May 2018), has published a classic “feel good” story about a man who, we have been told, heroically saved a woman’s life in Charlottesville, VA, where he was tossed into the air after being struck by a Dodge Challenger driven by James Alex Fields during the right-wing rally on 12 August 2017. It makes a great story, but unfortunately none of it is true–which means that our official newspaper of record, widely assumed to record the history of the United States, has yet…

Dr. Eowyn: National data bases don’t show 6 adults were killed at Sandy Hook school

Dr. Eowyn We are told that on December 14, 2012, lone gunman Adam Lanza went on a shooting spree in Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) in Newtown, Connecticut, killing 20 children and 6 adults. The six adults are the principal and teachers at SHES: Rachel Davino: teacher’s aide; age 29. Dawn Hocksprung: principal; age 47. Anne Marie Murphy: teacher’s aide; age 52. Lauren Rousseau: teacher; age 29. Mary Sherlach: school psychologist; age 56. Victoria Soto: teacher; age 27. Strangely, various data bases do not show that the above six adults…

Research on Sandy Hook: James Tracy v. FAU: “A very dangerous precedent”

By Louis Leo IV and James Fetzer Attorney Louis Leo IV discusses James Tracy’s pending civil rights lawsuit against Florida Atlantic University with University of Minnesota Professor James Fetzer on GCN’s The Power Hour, Monday,  April 23, 2018. Leo is the lead attorney representing Tracy in the federal civil rights lawsuit against the South Florida-based public university. The two examine Tracy’s unlawful firing by Florida Atlantic University, the corrupt and fraudulent trial defense conducted by FAU’s corporate attorneys (who received significant aid from the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida),…

YouTube now scrubbing older videos about SANDY HOOK shooting as content purge accelerates

Mike Adams (Natural News) As you may be aware, YouTube is on a censorship rampage, gutting all content (and shutting down all accounts) that dare to question the “official” story on the Parkland, Florida shooting. Today, I’ve learned that YouTube is now going back in time and issuing strikes against videos questioning the Sandy Hook narrative from 2012. Mere hours after I publicly called for the regulation of Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, YouTube issued a strike against my account for a 2012 interview with a controversial book author named Jim Fetzer. That interview, which has now…

Dr. Eowyn: Danbury Hospital sent message about Sandy Hook 48 min. before police received first 911 call

Dr. Eowyn Shannon Hicks’ other photo of the fake evacuation According to the Newtown police’s timeline of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) on the morning of December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut: 9:35:39 – First 911 call to Newtown Police Department is received. 9:36:06 – Newtown Police Department dispatcher broadcasts that there is a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. 9:37:38 – Connecticut State Police are dispatched to Sandy Hook Elementary School for active shooter. 9:38:50 – Connecticut State Police are informed that Sandy Hook Elementary School is…

Nobody Died At Sandy Hook: Event was Just a FEMA Drill, Shanley Civil Lawsuit Says

By David Deschesne Fort Fairfield Journal, January 3, 2015 Mainstream Media Being Sued for Fomenting Terrorism Amongst the U.S. Citizenry [Editor’s note: The Fort Fairfield Journal appears to have been the only newspaper in the country to publish serious reports about Sandy Hook. This blog is dedicated to its honor and the memory of Will Shanley, whom I admired beyond words.] NEW LONDON, Conn.—Civil lawsuits totaling over a trillion dollars have been filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut against several mainstream news corporations regarding their…

William Shanley: Sandy Hook Media Lawsuit Updated (4 March 2015)

By David Deschesne Fort Fairfield Journal, March 4, 2015 Shanley Released from Prison, Charges Dropped after Undergoing Forced Psychotropic Drugging [Editor’s note: Far more serious consequences have befallen those who seek Sandy Hook Truth and Justice than having their blogs deleted, including Sandy Hook witnesses who have “disappeared”.] NEW LONDON, Conn.—William Shanley, the plaintiff in a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against members of the mainstream news media who he has alleged to have been involved in a mammoth cover-up with the U.S. government in connection with the apparent staging of the…


THE DECEMBER ISSUE of Penn Magazine is now online! pennmagazine.us Click “READ MORE”(IT WILL TAKE A FEW SECONDS TO LOAD) “… Nobody really listens to TV news anymore, just the dumb people. And you are not one of those. Nobody reads newspapers, just the ones with kids in sports. Nobody listens to radio, just the old guy at the post office who has Rush on full blast all afternoon. Everyone is smarter than that. There’s other stuff to occupy our time. We don’t have to spend all day plowing fields…

Sandy Hook: The James Tracy Trial is going to the Jury: Here’s what you need to know

Jim Fetzer According to FAU, “FAU prof wasn’t fired because of Sandy Hook blog”, Sun Sentinel (4 December 2017), James Tracy was fired as a tenured associate professor because he did not submit forms about his outside activities. But the University was under pressure from the local community and donors to remove him because they objected to the content of his blog. After 35 years as a faculty member in institutions of higher learning, I have never heard of such an absurdity. If he failed to submit forms, he might…

Sandy Hook Scam: Why the Mothers’ Ages Matter

Jim Fetzer In a previous study about Sandy Hook, “New Angle on Sandy Hook Shooting Hoax”, Carl Herman observed that the average age of the 20 women who purport to be parents of the purported child victims at Sandy Hook was 36 years of age at giving birth, which is 10 years older than the average of 26 across the nation. He calculated the improbability of that occurring by chance at 109.4 quadrillion to one! In other words, their children ought to be about 10 years older. In order to…