Kevin Barrett, Trump’s “America First” vs. Neocons’ “Israel First”: It’s Showdown Time

By Kevin Barrett, for American Free Press For decades the US hasn’t had enough enemies. So it has been borrowing them from Israel, which has all it can handle and then some, due to its terrorism, assassinations, expansionist ambitions, and genocidal policies. Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has devoted his entire political career to cajoling the US into fighting Israel’s wars. Since the 1980s US Mideast policies have been primarily designed to benefit Israel, including America’s eight-trillion-dollar 9/11 wars. Absent Israel, the US could easily have maintained cordial relations with every…

Joachim Hagopian, Order-Following Biden Launches Long-Range US Missiles into Russia to Ignite WWIII

Joachim Hagopian Russia, Moscow stated that on late Tuesday November 19th, on the 1000th day of the war, for the first time, the US providing Ukraine with its technical guided assistance in Ukraine jointly fired off six US made Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) longer-range missiles into Russia’s border region of Bryansk. This Ukraine-US missile launch came near the same time Vladimir Putin announced the lowered threshold of its nuclear doctrine update to include Russia’s potential nuclear response to any conventional military attack by a non-nuclear state (Ukraine) and nuclear state US/NATO…

Joachim Hagopian, A Critical Analysis Underpinning Trump’s Victory

Joachim Hagopian   For weeks, many Americans have been waiting with major relief to finally have November 5th behind us. Though numerous signs have indicated a likelihood that Desperado Democrats have been busily working overtime to steal yet another election from Trump, this time such huge numbers apparently voted for him that in spite of their alleged cheating, the Democrats failed and Donald Trump is now our 47th as well as 45th elected President.   Only one other president in US history has come back to win a second term after failing the first time,…

Robert David Steele, Is President Donald Trump’s Re-Election at Risk? YES!

Robert David Steele Note: The invented criminal apartheid genocidal state of Israel is not to be confused with Judiasm. The first is evil, the second is not. It is the Zionist parasite we seek to expel from the US economy, government, and society, not the assimilated Jews, most of whom despise Zionism as much as we do. Robert David STEELE Vivas The President was upset with Fox for its recent poll as reported in New York Magazine, If This Fox News Poll Is Right, Trump Is a Goner. I asked my top…

Robert David Steele, SPECIAL: New 9/11 Commission Core Interrogation List

Robert David Steele   Click on Image to Enlarge Chronology of Crime 1988 – 2001, Comment, Links Below the Fold BASIC CHRONOLOGY: 1970 Twin Towers, owned by Port Authority of NY-NJ, open to tenants 1978 Arnon Milchan produces Medusa Touch cover story for 9/11 1979 Isser Harel, Zionist intelligence chief, predicts 9/11 attacks in NYC 1987 Zionists get security contract for WTC directly, fired for criminal ties 1988 Twin Towers condemned and known to be a $2B deconstruction cost 1993 Zionists and FBI stage manage false flag attack to frame Muslims 1993 Zionists embedded in Kroll regain…

Stephanie Sledge: Trump’s words, “Worry about due process later”, reverberate after (staged) Pittsburgh Shooting, Part 2

By Stephanie Sledge PART 2 – DISTURBING PLOTS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION  “We believe that criminals who kill our police officers should immediately, with trial, but rapidly as possible, not 15 years later, 20 years later—get the death penalty.” – Donald Trump “When people do this they should get the death penalty,” he said. “And they shouldn’t have to wait years and years. … And, I think they should very much bring the death penalty into vogue.” – Donald Trump “This is a very important time in our country. Due Process,…