Joachim Hagopian, Surging Stress, Anxiety and Polarization are Driving America’s Mental Health Crisis – By Design

Joachim Hagopian As a licensed mental health clinician for over a quarter century, and author-journalist for more than a decade, I can honestly say that the fragile state of Americans’ mental health today is plummeting at an unforeseen rate, the likes of which virtually all Americans alive today have never experienced before. With the economic forecast looking ever-gloomier throughout Western economies, financial stress and job anxiety are running rampant in both America and UK/Europe, causing a mental health crisis. In America, anxiety ranks as the #1 mental health issue in the workplace. This…

Joachim Hagopian, What’s Killing the Kids? The Elephant in the Room Bioweapon Kill Shot

Joachim Hagopian Despite the scientifically documented evidence of proof of lies exposed with the Covid-19 hoax and its ongoing bioweapon holocaust death jabs, we now know the evil death cult controllers are coming back with more “deadly” viruses, like the H5N1 avian bird flu, Disease X, monkeypox and a few more up their sleeve. After all, there’s an unlimited supply of more WMDs coming out of the crime cabal’s Fort Detrick biowarfare biolab test tubes. Cueing up for the next manufactured viral pandemic, on August 20th NBC ran an article entitled: The bite is on: What to know about the viruses mosquitoes are spreading It opens…

Rockefeller Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time

Rockefeller Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time Aired:  October 21st, 2014 – New York City Document 54 pages –  Lock Step – Read page 19 E X C E R P T S  –  B E L O W An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge . . . An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, “makeshift” solutions to a growing set of problems . . . One important—and novel—component of…