Joachim Hagopian, Increasing Evidence Suggests AI and Interdimensional Demonic Forces Are Already Here

Joachim Hagopian Over the last couple months, even the US government that for the last eight decades emphatically denied ETs is increasingly floating the idea of “alien intelligence,” no longer denying the existence of alien technology and other worldly disclosure. It appears to be a setup leading to what NASA’s very first director a former German Nazi Werner von Braun on his deathbed in 1977 confessed the sobering warning to humanity, that the controllers will attempt to stage a fake alien invasion, deploying space-based weapons, akin to Project Blue Beam, in order to usher in…

Brandon Smith, Tolerance Is Overrated: It’s Time To Start Gatekeeping American Society Again

by Brandon Smith Whenever we have to address the issue of “progressive” ideology in America today, the debate inevitably finds its way around to the grand idealism of “acceptance” and “tolerance.” The assertion by leftists is that they are on the side of “freedom” and human rights, and that by confronting or separating ourselves from certain behaviors we are revealing out bigotry and discrimination. In other words, leftists assert that all personal beliefs and behaviors must be embraced by the populace in order for society to become pure. Except, this…

Dr. Joseph Mercola, Manufactured Dystopia — Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans

Joseph Mercola, M.D. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Digital identity, digital twins, programmable central bank digital currency, a social credit system, human augmentation and the Internet of Bodies (IoB). These are all part of the dystopian future being rolled out by the globalist cabal as the “solutions” to the world’s problems According to transhumanist propaganda, everyone will benefit from human augmentation. In reality, transhumanism is a eugenics program, differing in name only The post-human society envisioned by transhumanists will have no use for billions of people. Since a vast number of jobs will…

Patrick J. McShay, The Transhumanist Agenda and the “Mark of the Beast” Vaccines

Patrick J. McShay “We must war against all prevailing ideas of religion, of State, of Patriotism. The idea of God is the keynote of a perverted civilization.  It must be destroyed” — Karl Marx (circa 1848) “Nanobots will be flowing through our arteries to keep us healthy and transmit our brains onto the cloud”  — Ray Kurzweil, Inventor and Futurist “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” — Dr. Joseph Mengele It’s come out in the last week or so that…

How Trump’s Vaccines Prevent the Great Reset and Save Humanity Any informed person in this world is fully aware of the severe health risks posed by vaccines. Especially a rushed, untested experimental biological agent, that is falsely marketed as a vaccine, activates all the alarm bells within the educated part of humanity. Naturally many patriots are severely worried, when they see a prominent leader of the worldwide freedom movement, Donald Trump, push these terrifying medical experiments. For those who never trusted Trump, this is undeniable evidence for what they have been saying all along: ‘See, he is part of the…