Fred Lucas, Biden’s ‘most radical’ judges could ‘deliver the left’s policy preferences,’ judicial watchdogs warn

By Fred Lucas Nominations are Biden’s way of ‘paying back the left-wing dark money groups who spent over a billion dollars to help elect him’ according to the Judicial Crisis Network Sen. Ted Cruz rails against ‘radical’ Biden judicial nominees, calls on Democrats to do something (to watch, click here) Sen. Ted Cruz delivered a tirade against President Biden’s judicial nominees who he believes are unqualified, calling on Democrats to vote against them. The Democratic-controlled Senate is poised to approve another slate of President Biden’s judicial nominees with a history of working…

John Kass, Kavanaugh-Biden double standard and lack of curiosity over Flynn make Beltway media look bad

JOHN KASS If there were ever a time that the American people needed credible national journalism, it is now, during this awful coronavirus pandemic. But for many reasons, whatever trust the people had in news from Washington has been broken over time. Now tens of millions of Americans are out of work, tens of thousands have died, the people are overwhelmed by conflicting and dueling scientific models of the virus, tribal politics shapes coverage. And Americans are so confused and afraid that many have been willing to accept suspension of…

Vivian Lee, Christine Blasey Ford: Credible or Complicit?

BY VIVIAN LEE September 30, 2018 Revised and updated September 16, 2019 The word of the moment is “credible.”[1] Immediately following the Senate hearings on September 27, 2018, The New York Times published several online editorials as to why we should “believe” Christine Ford and not Brett Kavanaugh. The lead editorial is still posted there: “Why Brett Kavanaugh Wasn’t Believable and Why Christine Blasey Ford Was.”[2] This was echoed on the front-page of the print version on September 28, showing two huge photos side by side: a stoic-looking Ford with her…

Marc Theissen: The Kavanaugh debacle cost the Democrats the Senate

Marc Thiessen Brett M. Kavanaugh must have been smiling as the returns came in on Election Day, because it is now clear that the Democrats’ campaign to destroy him will go down as a massive blunder. It failed to keep Kavanaugh off the court. It cost Democrats their chance to regain control of the Senate. And it gave Republicans an expanded Senate majority that will allow them to confirm an even more conservative justice next time around. Today, Kavanaugh sits on the Supreme Court hearing cases. Meanwhile, Democratic Sens. Heidi…

Patrick McShay, Is it Too Soon to call Kavanaugh’s Accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, a Liar?

  “My fervent hope is that Brett Kavanaugh will work to lessen the division in the Supreme Court so that we have far fewer 5-4 decisions and public confidence in our judiciary and our highest court is restored. Mr. President, I will vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.”  — Susan Collins, U.S. Senator from Maine In the process of determining Brett Kavanaugh’s fitness for the Supreme Court, in their duty of “advise and consent”, the Marxist Senators on the left turned the hearings into a circus that Marxist, and mentor to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama,…

Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement…

October 5, 2018 by sundance If you thought it was sketchy that Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford’s life-long best friend was a recently retired FBI agent and DOJ official, Monica McLean {Go Deep}; and if you thought it was sketchy that McLean and Ford were together on July 30th when Ford was writing a  letter to Dianne Feinstein, likely making the friend Ms Ford’s “handler” for the operation against Kavanaugh; then it’s even more sketchy today with a report that McLean was pressuring witness Leland Keyser to shape her statements and testimony to the FBI.…