Victor Davis Hanson Some truths are so staggering in their ramifications that Americans simply shrug and tune them out as if strangers in a strange land. Is their current bewilderment because modernist America is unrecognizable —a nonexistent border, downtown homeless juxtaposed to hipster professional elites, DEI racial essentialism, cities reverting to pre civilizational wastelands, millions exiting blue states to red, an FBI and DOJ gone rogue, the normalization of violent theft and assault, biologically born men sandbagging women’s sports and their locker room privacy? We are reaching the point where…
Tag: DOJ
Roger Kimball, Poetic Justice for the Biden ‘Ministry of Truth’
By Roger Kimball At some point in this column, I have probably had occasion to quote these famous lines from Walter Scott’s poem “Marmion”: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave When first we practice to deceive.” In another, better world, I like to think, the Bidens and their protectors and puppet masters would ruefully be contemplating Scott’s admonitory observation. In this world, however, I suspect that—until quite recently, anyway—they had smugly sided with J.R. Pope’s sly amendment to Scott’s moralizing couplet: “But when we’ve practiced for a while How vastly we…
Pat McShay, Joe Biden’s Incompetence And Radical Agenda Are Destroying The Country
by Patrick J. McShay “The economy is braking hard, if the Fed keeps this up, they are going to have a serious recession and people will lose their jobs. Look at the housing market, the Fed has caused a crash of unprecedented proportions and you are seeing housing prices correct. They are taking a sledgehammer to the economy and they don’t need to” Barry Sternlicht — Billionaire Chairman & CEO of Starwood Capital “I can not help but emphasize that we are not just at war with Ukraine or the…
Harmeet K. Dhillon, The Politicization of the Department of Justice
Harmeet K. Dhillon The following is adapted from a speech delivered on September 16, 2022, in Washington, D.C., at Hillsdale College’s Constitution Day Celebration. The seal of the U.S. Department of Justice reads, “Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur”—“Who prosecutes for Lady Justice.” Depictions of Lady Justice are as familiar as they are instructive: she stands blindfolded while holding the scales of justice, representing her unyielding devotion to equal justice under the law. Contrary to this ideal, the DOJ today appears to be increasingly motivated by partisanship. Compounding the problem, it…
Roger Kimball, Biden Puts The ‘Total’ In Totalitarianism
Roger Kimball America has come perilously close to the edge of the point of no return… Joe Biden certainly set the punditocracy abuzz with his neo-totalitarian performance piece at Independence Hall in Philadelphia on Thursday. The significance of that speech can be broken down into three parts, two of which have already received abundant commentary. The first has to do with the theater of the piece, its optics or stagecraft. As many commentators (myself included) noted, the feel of the event was distinctly, and distinctively, bombastic. The melodramatic red lighting, the presence…
Sundance, President Trump Tried to Work Within the System
Sundance In the spring and summer of 2018 everyone became aware of the DOJ and FBI collective effort to target President Trump under the false guise of a Trump-Russia collusion claim. It must have been extremely frustrating for a sitting president to know there was nothing to the claims yet be constantly bombarded by media and political people in Washington DC who held a vested interest in maintaining them. By the time we get to September of 2018 the basic outline of the FBI use of the Trump-Russia targeting…
Trump Raid Warrant & Inventory Sheet Goes Public … Here’s The 411
Wes Walker The same outlets who kept the Pulitzer Prizes received for reporting on the discredited Russian Hoax want us to believe the Trump raid involved ‘nuclear secrets’. But what do the FACTS tell us? With the court unsealing the warrant, we’re now one step closer to having answers. But there’s still a long way to go. The Warrant A judge ordered the warrant and the receipt detailing the items taken to be unsealed. We’ve included an image. The warrant tells us a few interesting things. 1) The warrant (executed…
Political Prisoners: ‘Biden’ Justice Dept Can’t Produce Evidence It Supposedly Used To Indict the January 6th Protest Cases
TIM BROWN [Editor’s note: See for yourself how the protesters were welcomed into the Capitol by the Capitol Police. Watch as managers and supervisors direct them–and witness (what appears to be) the staged shooting of Ashli Babbitt: What happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?] Well yeah, and this has been going on for some time. Remember Bundy Ranch? Remember the Oregon Occupation? Remember Schaeffer Cox? This criminal administration must be dealt with by the People and that is not going to happen with another round of elections. Shipwreckedcrew writes at Human…
Jon Rappoport, Alert: The Operation to Squash Protests in America
by Jon Rappoport PART ONE The Department of Justice has announced it’s mounting a full-scale operation to arrest and charge people who broke into the Capitol on January 6. There will be a wide-ranging menu of charges, starting with criminal trespass, and moving all the way to weapons possession, theft of National Security data, assault, and sedition. The DOJ list of charges is meant to impress the American people. Of course, an impressive DOJ list could have been leveled against thousands of people who participated in Antifa/BLM-led burning, looting,…
Mollie Hemmingway, Obama, Biden Oval Office Meeting on January 5 was Key to Entire Anti-Trump Operation
By Mollie Hemingway Susan Rice’s bizarre Inauguration Day email about that meeting helps explain the campaign of leaks, lies, and obstruction that followed. Information released in the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss the case it brought against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn confirms the significance of a January 5, 2017, meeting at the Obama White House. It was at this meeting that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous…