Mike Palecek, Common Sense

Mike Palecek [available at Lulu. com]​ Dedicated To: Jim Fetzer, Wolfgang Halbig, Monika Schaefer, Christopher Bollyn, Scott Creighton, Sofia Smallstorm, Kevin Barrett, David Ray Griffin, Penn Jones, Terrible Tim, Debbie Lusignan, Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ken O’Keefe, Dave McGowan, et. al Also dedicated to those hundreds of people, in Biloxi, Baraboo, Barstow, Butte, Bancroft and Brooklyn, those people who, on Nov. 22, or Nov. 23, or Nov. 24, 1963, or sometime during the following week, on a long or short walk, or at the kitchen table pouring Froot Loops for the kids or…

UNZ REVIEW: Jim Fetzer, What’s Wrong with Conspiracy Theories?

Jim Fetzer The public has been fed an endless stream of attacks upon conspiracy theories, which, we are told, are supposed to be very bad for human beings and other living things. But precisely why is almost never explained. And when you consider that our political parties and the mainstream media indulge themselves in conspiracy theories, such as the claim that Russia interfered with the 2016 election (otherwise Donald Trump could never have been elected) or, alternatively, that Dominion voting machines were used to steal the election of 2020 (and otherwise could not have been defeated)…

US Attorney takes First Steps toward convening 9/11 Grand Jury

by Jim Fetzer As the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I am of course greatly pleased at the prospect that the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York should be taking initial steps to convene a 9/11 Grand Jury, as Richard Gage and A&E911 have reported. My concerns, however, arise over the prospect that this reinvestigation might be on a par with the 9/11 Commission investigation, which David Ray Griffin, THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT: OMISSIONS AND DISTORTIONS (2005), so ably exposed. I am especially concerned because Richard…