Joachim Hagopian, Surging Stress, Anxiety and Polarization are Driving America’s Mental Health Crisis – By Design

Joachim Hagopian As a licensed mental health clinician for over a quarter century, and author-journalist for more than a decade, I can honestly say that the fragile state of Americans’ mental health today is plummeting at an unforeseen rate, the likes of which virtually all Americans alive today have never experienced before. With the economic forecast looking ever-gloomier throughout Western economies, financial stress and job anxiety are running rampant in both America and UK/Europe, causing a mental health crisis. In America, anxiety ranks as the #1 mental health issue in the workplace. This…

Joseph Mercola, 97.8% of Mass Shootings Are Linked to This

Joseph Mercola [Editor’s note: Just as Jonah Goldberg caused consternation on CNN when he observed that, over the past 29 years, wile there are around 54 million children in school in American, only 170 have been killed in school shootings, which means that, statistically, they are at greater risk of dying on the drive to school than once they arrive. And that number includes those from staged shootings where nobody died. My interview with Harrison Hanks sheds light on how we have been and continue to be played by the…