David Starr, Profiting Off of Death and Suffering is the American Way

David Starr Arms Industry and U.S. Government Have Now Practically Merged The United States’s imperial foreign policy has been evident since day one, but especially starting with the Gilded Age and the arrogant doctrine of Manifest Destiny of the mid-19th century. The imperial “cause” continued through the decades leading up to today. And today, the U.S. arms industry and the U.S. Congress have a reciprocal relationship. Because of this relationship, many members of Congress have grown rich off of war and death. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has presented the latest opportunity for…

Paul Craig Roberts, How Troublesome Presidents Are Disposed of

 Paul Craig Roberts Tucker Carlson provides an excellent 12 minute report about the CIA’s removal of President Kennedy and President Nixon. I recommend that you watch it 2 or 3 times until it sinks in and forward it to all of your friends and relatives. There is nowhere else  you can get so much solid and important information in 12 minutes. Carlson believes that Biden, no longer useful to the establishment, is currently undergoing removal. I have reported the truth about the removal of Presidents Kennedy and Nixon from office for…

The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F – Cleaning out the Deep State

By Jeffrey A. Tucker Two weeks before the 2020 general election, on October 21, 2020, Donald Trump issued an executive order (E.O. 13957) on “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service.” It sounds boring. Actually, it would have fundamentally changed, in the best possible way, the entire functioning of the administrative bureaucracy that rules this country in a way that bypasses both the legislative and judicial process, and has ruined the checks and balances inherent in the US Constitution. The administrative state for the better part of a century, and really dating…

These people deserve the credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans

Steve Kirsch Introducing the members of the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines committee Summary The members of COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel of the NIH apparently doesn’t seem to place any value on human life. In this article, I will show several examples of this. At no time is there ever a risk-benefit analysis where a dollar amount is placed on the value of a human life. For example, if there are 100 trials and 90% of the trials were positive and 10% were neutral, should the NIH recommend the drug? Unfortunately, they aren’t…

Mary W. Maxwell, Trump’s Lawsuit against Twitter Is a Masterpiece. It Will Save Us!

By Mary W. Maxwell This lawsuit is superb.  It is brilliant. It will solve the problem of Free Speech.  Thank you, Twitter, for making such an egregious error in shutting down the communication of a sitting president of the United States.  Thank you, Jack Dorsey, for buckling under pressure from (then) Senator Kamala Harris, Senator Richard Blumental, Nancy What’s Her Name, and the CDC, such as to make possible this searing plaint to the courts. Thank you, CDC, for being your usual awful self, harming us citizens to the max.…

The Odd Couple’s Excellent Adventure – Robert Steele & Cynthia McKinney Launch ARISEUSA! The Resurrection Tour – 84 Stops, 50 States, Five Months!

Jim Fetzer It has been my privilege to know Robert David Steele for many years now, after we connected over our mutual interest in exposing false flag operations from 9/11 to the Boston Bombing and beyond.  Robert is both a former spy and has actually run a false flag operation for the CIA. He is also, most unusually, a top-non-fiction reviewer with over 2,000 posted reviews across 97 categories of non-fiction. His 90-minute lecture on Top Books is a global cult video. I have followed Robert’s efforts with Cynthia McKinney…

Marjorie Taylor Greene boasts she is going to Mar-a-Lago to meet Trump and says he supports her 100 percent as Democrats push to throw her off committees for her QAnon claims

By KATELYN CARALLE [Editor’s note: So just how nutty are Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “conspiracy theories” about Sandy Hook, Parkland, 9/11 and the like? They appear to be far closer to the truth than their counterpart mainstream narratives. For examples, check out “How to Spot a False Flag, Part 1”, and “How to Spot a False Flag, Part 2”. And if you have the stomach, “Pizzagate: Real or Fiction? The American Franchise of Pedogate”, where 70% of the American political elite appears to be engaged in pedophilia.] QAnon Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene…

Trump Voices Support for Embattled Rep. Marjorie Greene During Call: Report

BY ALLEN ZHONG Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-Ga.) said on Saturday that she had received a call with from former President Donald Trump during which he expressed his support. “I had a GREAT call with my all time favorite POTUS, President Trump!” she wrote in a string of Twitter posts. “I’m so grateful for his support and more importantly, the people of this country are absolutely 100% loyal to him because he is 100% loyal to the people and America First.” She didn’t elaborate on the details of the call. Trump’s office did not…

How DJT Lost the White House, Introduction: Why I Was Involved Before November 3 & What I Learned Because I Was (1.3)

Patrick Byrne A concerned citizen who has been hunting the oligarchy and Deep State since 2004. On the last day of July, 2020 a dear friend of mine from Montana, a stolid, Native American fellow several years my junior, visited me at my home in Utah to check on my health. Weeks earlier I had had surgery on my spinal chord, as one of my legs had gone paralyzed over the months of the pandemic. He told me that there was a group of people, some ex-federal some not, some…