Jeremiah Johnson, The Calm Before the Storm

Jeremiah Johnson [Editor’s note: While I disagree with the author about what Trump has accomplished, which, in my view, includes improving relations between North and South Korea and ending the war in Syria, hopefully to be followed by ending the war in Afghanistan, improving the economy and reducing unemployment, all while under attack by the Mockingbird Media and the Deep State, I respect well-reasoned critiques and, in that spirit, publish this one here. Prior to the midterms, Rasmussen had his popularity rating across the nation at 50% and, perhaps even…

Matt Purple, Washington Melts Down over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

Matt Purple  Their obsession with Vladimir Putin misses the point and obscured the high cost of our military misadventures. He’s a wily one, that Vladimir Putin. Consider all that he’s managed to accomplish over the last 24 hours, according to the geopolitical wizards on Twitter. At Putin’s behest, President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced a withdrawal of American troops from Syria. That’s now cleared the path for Russia to exert control over Damascus, the Middle East, indeed the world itself, because Moscow has at last secured the jewel in its…

Stephanie Sledge: Trump’s words, “Worry about due process later”, reverberate after (staged) Pittsburgh Shooting, Part 2

By Stephanie Sledge PART 2 – DISTURBING PLOTS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION  “We believe that criminals who kill our police officers should immediately, with trial, but rapidly as possible, not 15 years later, 20 years later—get the death penalty.” – Donald Trump “When people do this they should get the death penalty,” he said. “And they shouldn’t have to wait years and years. … And, I think they should very much bring the death penalty into vogue.” – Donald Trump “This is a very important time in our country. Due Process,…

Stephanie Sledge: Trump’s words, “Worry about due process later”, reverberate after (staged) Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

Stephanie Sledge PART 1 – DISTURBING PLOTS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION  “This is a very important time in our country. Due Process, Fairness and Common Sense are now on trial!” – President Donald Trump The 2011 Safeway shooting in Tucson, AZ was the beginning of a series of troubling and horrifying connections between a plot so deep, even the reader of this is not expected to understand what is happening in its entirety without further research. However, This is a MAYDAY call to all those who elected Trump to defend our Great…

Paul Craig Roberts: There is No Case Against Julian Assange so Lies take the place of Evidence

Paul Craig Roberts Julian Assange is not guilty of any crime. But Washington is going to convict him anyway. Documents are being fabricated to show that Assange met inside the Ecuadoran Embassy in London with Paul Manafort and some Russians. The logs of all visits to the Embassy have been released and show no such meetings. This latest fabrication was dumped on the public by the Guardian, formerly a leftwing newspaper but today a MI6 asset. Luke Harding who was leaked the fake documents is either extremely gullible or himself…

Michael Snyder: Now That America Has Given The Crazies Control Of The House, They Plan To Hit Trump With A Wave Of Subpoenas

Michael Snyder This is a very dark moment in American history.  On November 6th, the American people gave the keys to the U.S. House of Representatives to the Democrats, and that means that the crazies will soon be unleashed on Capitol Hill.  They won’t be able to get much legislation pushed through because Republicans still control the Senate and Donald Trump is still in the White House, but they will be able to cause all sorts of chaos with their investigative powers.  If you thought that things were bad the…

Political Theater Retrospective: Post gives away “Sucker Punch” Game

DC Dave Martin (2017 Update) In spite of everything they could do for her, their candidate has lost, so you might think that at this late date The Washington Post would give a rest to the story that came out of Fayetteville, North Carolina, last March. That is the one that did a lot to sell the American public on the notion that Donald Trump and his supporters were racists, but The Post would not leave ill enough alone.  On the last day of 2016, apparently with the belief that fanning the flames of racial…

Political Theater Retrospective: The Fayetteville “Sucker Puncher’s” Last Stand

  DC Dave Martin The Fayetteville “Sucker Puncher’s” Last Stand On Wednesday, December 14, 2016, the “Trump supporter” who delivered an unsuspected “sucker punch to the face” of a “protestor” being led out of a Trump rally back in March finally had his day in court.  Here is how The Washington Post reported it: Man at Trump rally is sentenced to probation John Franklin McGraw, who elbowed and threatened a protester at a rally for then-presidential candidate Donald Trump earlier this year, was sentenced to 12 months of probation Wednesday, resolving one of…

Patrick McShay, Can we trust Trump to save America? He may be our only hope

Patrick McShay Is it just me or is the timing of these so-called pipe bombs recently sent to leading Democrats including the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, John Brennan, George Soros, Mad Maxine Waters and the traitor who had a spy with ties to to the Muslim Brotherhood working as her IT guy, Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, awfully convenient with the election just two weeks away.   The trolls at CNN and MSNBC are already blaming Trump and his supporters. Have they thought to question Sheila Jackson Lee and her staff?   At first glance, this…

Marc Thiessen, Trump may be The Most Honest President in History: He’s doing just what he said he would do

Marc Thiessen [Editor’s note: While I agree with the thrust of Marc Thiessen’s commentary, the one area in which Trump has not kept his promises is (to me) the most important of them all, namely: to withdraw our forces from the Middle East and reallocate spending to “Make America Great Again”. He won the election because of that promises and it bothers me profoundly that he is not keeping it but pursuing an Israeli foreign policy.] Donald Trump may be remembered as the most honest president in modern American history.…