John Kaminski, Ruthless Agents of Chaos Desperately Trying to Conquer a Broken World

By John Kaminski The overthrow of civilization has always been their goal, no matter how many corpses it takes to achieve their demonic objective. They don’t even mind killing some of their own to camouflage their guilt in their insane drive to destroy the world and reign over the wreckage of a broken planet. Their heart’s desire, what they’ve always wanted, is plainly visible today in the pulverized landscape, crying children and mutilated corpses of that hell on Earth better known as the Gaza Strip. In all the world’s history,…

How Trump Thwarted Calculated Israeli Effort to Keep U.S. in Syria

Gareth Porter The Pentagon was not the only party pressing Donald Trump to keep troops in Syria last year. It turns out the Israeli government and its supporters in Washington were working very hard to get the Trump administration to use America’s military presence there to support an Israeli campaign of airstrikes aimed at threatening war with Iran. The Israeli strategy was aimed at dividing Russia from Iran and thus putting pressure on Tehran to withdraw its military personnel from Syria. A campaign by a pro-Israel think tank actually succeeded in getting…