Joachim Hagopian In total defiance of the Hague’s two top world courts and entire world’s total disgust toward Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s all too obvious genocide in Gaza, on Sunday night May 26th, the Israeli Defense Forces Air Force announced a “precise strike” in Rafah, allegedly taking out two Hamas leaders, conveniently leaving out that dozens of innocent civilians were also cold-bloodedly murdered by US bomb payloads from IDF airstrikes on the so-called Israeli designated Rafah “safe zone.” More Biden sent 2,000-pound bombs detonated little more than 100 meters from…


Joachim Hagopian After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intentionally sabotaged the recent ceasefire agreement in order to resume his long plotted Rafah campaign last week, Biden halted one shipment of US bombs headed for Israel. The only reason “the pause” on the US weapons latest bomb delivery occurred, was simply to provide an illusion that the Biden regime “cares” about the ongoing Gaza carnage during an election year to stop the bleeding of his political base – young pro-Palestinian protesting voters and the Midwest’s swing state Arab population. Bibi’s response to Biden’s…

Mike Stone, Gaslighting is the MSM’s Purpose

Mike Stone Everything you see or hear coming from the mainstream media is a lie.  Not some of it, not most of it, all of it.   To substantiate what I’ve just said, let’s look at some recent examples.   In October of 2023, the mainstream media told us that Israel was hit with a surprise attack by Hamas. So applying our rule of opposites, we knew right away that it wasn’t a surprise attack at all.   Sure enough, we now have confirmation that Israel had prior knowledge of the “surprise…

Joachim Hagopian, Elite Demands World War III in Middle East

Joachim Hagopian Mainstream media outlets announced on Thursday February 1st that Washington officials confirmed the drone used in the deadly attack on January 28th in Jordan killing three US soldiers was made in Iran. The anonymous sources reported that in response to that attack, the US is launching daily airstrikes potentially for weeks to eradicate the Islamic Resistance groups I the Middle East financed and armed by Iran, including “Iranian personnel and facilities” operating outside Iran. A day later on Friday February 2nd, more than 85 sites including command control centers and arms depots…

Ron Unz, American Pravda: Israel and the Holocaust Hoax

Ron Unz  Last month I explored the historical origins of the State of Israel and the intertwined expulsion of the Palestinian refugees from their ancient homeland. During this discussion, I emphasized the crucial role that the Jewish Holocaust had played in justifying and facilitating those momentous events of three generations ago. American Pravda: The Nakba and the Holocaust Ron Unz • The Unz Review • December 11, 2023 • 14,600 Words I read or reread more than a dozen books for my long review article, and also glancingly mentioned an additional one, which I’ve…


Joachim Hagopian The genocidal Israel regime and its warmongering globetrotting foot soldier from the US Lloyd Austin, on Monday December 18th made yet another appearance with Bibi the “butcher” Netanyahu in Tel Aviv to announce the official launch of Operation Prosperity Guardian. It’s a multinational military initiative to counter the Yemeni Houthis increased targeting of commercial shipping vessels in the Red Sea. Other nations participating in this massive joint military operation include Britain, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherland, Norway, Seychelles and Spain as part of a 39-nation Combined Maritime Forces military campaign ostensibly to…

Joachim Hagopian, Anglo-American-Zionist Genocidal Agenda Fully Exposed 

Joachim Hagopian [Editor’s note: Plus we now have evidence of the use of nuclear and neutron bombs in Gaza. Recently a far-right Minister declared that nuking Gaza was an option. As Natural News has now reported, shocking new evidence provides scientific proof that that is already happening. See the report by Christopher Busby here for confirmation: Evidence for the use by Israel of a neutron uranium warhead in Palestine and Lebanon by Christopher Busby, What a ghastly development!]   Clearly the US and Israel waging their genocidal war against the…


Joachim Hagopian In less than two months, the soaring death rate in Gaza has now surpassed 15,000. The slaughter of Palestinians is recognized by UN experts as “genocidal incitement.” Israel nor the US never anticipated the global pushback against the Israeli carnage in Gaza. As of late, even the Mockingbird Mainstream Media outlets are turning against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s regime in its brutal assault on the Palestinian civilian population living in Gaza. With virtually the whole world watching via social media, the New York Times reported on November 25th that Israel’s bloodbath…

Joachim Hagopian, Israel Assault on Free Speech

Joachim Hagopian 14,532 Palestinians have died in Gaza since the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7th. In less than 50 days more people are being killed at a faster clip in Gaza than any other war this century. The November 25th New York Times headline – “Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace,” follows with the opening sentence: In less than two months, more than twice as many women and children have been reported killed in Gaza than in Ukraine after two years of war.  The NYT article goes on…

Mazin Qumsiyeh, Are we Being Duped to Focus Only on Gaza Suffering?

Mazin Qumsiyeh Israel’s genocide of Gaza is intentional, planned and ongoing with no sign of slowing down. The contrary, with no water, food and medicine it is accelerating. Israel leaders boast openly that they do not care about what the UN says or what world leaders say. Israeli fascist leaders say they do not care what statements are issued by governments of Muslim and Arab countries. Nor do they care if public pressure causes some western leaders to moderate their language from unconditional support for Israel to show concern for…