Matt Taibbi Trounces Intellectual Mainstream: “Everyone’s a Russian Asset?”

Matt Taibbi America laughed at Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Tulsi Gabbard, but her ideas fit perfectly in the intellectual mainstream Hillary Clinton, not long ago the nominee of the Democratic Party, had some choice words about the state of American politics Friday. “I’m not making any predictions, but I think they’ve got their eye on somebody who is currently in the Democratic primary and are grooming her to be the third-party candidate,” Clinton said on a podcast with former Barack Obama aide David Plouffe. “She’s the favorite of the Russians.” Clinton appeared…

Hillary Clinton’s attacks on Tulsi Gabbard sow more Democratic division than Moscow could ever dream o

By Graham Dockery, RT In her zeal to beat off challengers to her party’s hardline anti-Russia orthodoxy, Hillary Clinton has only succeeded in sowing discord between the crop of Democratic presidential contenders. How very ‘Putin-esque’ of her. Unfounded blaming of Russia for her own woes is nothing new from Hillary Clinton, who still blames the Kremlin for denying her the presidency three years ago. If it wasn’t ‘Russian hackers’ leaking her emails, it was ‘Russian bots’ backing Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, or Vladimir Putin convincing the Green Party’s…

State of the Nation, Democrat’s 2020 Strategy to Overthrow Trump & THE THREE WITCHES

State of the Nation As Pelosi ‘prorogues’ the House, a dangerous precedent is set as the balance of power is forever altered. Let’s be clear, everything about the rush to impeach President Trump has been highly irregular and suspect. That’s because what the Democrats are doing is quite obviously unlawful and patently seditious. As Speaker of the House, Nancy “the Knife” Pelosi has acted in a manner that is so scandalous, they’re now calling it IMPEACHMENTgate. In order to properly grasp what Pelosi and her co-conspirators are really doing on…

A Failed Schiff/CIA led Coup against Trump will bring Hillary into the Presidential Race with Dire Consequences

By Dave Hodges On the way to writing an article, I received a call from an insider source that confirmed and expanded upon what I knew about the latest attempt to impeach President Trump and who is behind it. On three occasions that I am aware of, President Trump has threatened to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. It seems like a good idea. Our presence, in America’s longest war in its history is accomplishing nothing from a national security standpoint. However, to say that it is not accomplishing something would be…

Carl Herman, BIG LIE that “Mass Shootings” like Sandy Hook require Gun Confiscation must be Flipped

Carl Herman Big Lie that ‘mass shootings’ like Sandy Hook require public gun confiscation must be flipped: arrest .01% US rogue state leaders to confiscate THEIR guns for shooting millions in lie-started illegal Wars of Aggression, assassinating JFK, RFK, MLK, etc., etc. “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for…

Chris Hedges, The Mueller Report Ends a Shameful Period for the American Press

Chris Hedges The Mueller report’s categorical statement that Donald Trump and his campaign did not collude with Russia ends one of the most shameful periods in modern American journalism, one that rivals the mindless cheerleading for the Iraq War by most of the press. It further erodes and may prove fatal to the credibility of a press that has steadfastly rendered most of the country invisible and functions as little more than an array of gossiping courtiers to the elites. “ ‘[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the…

Carl Herman, Jim Fetzer’s Outstanding “Russia Hoax Comes Apart at the Seams”

Carl Herman  Jim Fetzer outstanding 2-hour slide show: .01% traitors rigged 2016 US Presidential ‘selection’ for Hillary. Me: until ‘White Hats’ Truth-bomb with arrests it’s just another ‘crime du jour’ from lying, looting, murdering rogue state empire Professor Jim Fetzer’s magnificent scholarship puts dozens of puzzle pieces together to explain, document, and prove that .01% US “leaders” rigged the 2016 US Presidential primaries for Hillary (with Bernie Sanders’ agreement), then escalated illegal tactics to capture the top US political position of President. This is crucial work because most Americans are aware…

Jim Fetzer, The Russia Hoax Comes Apart at the Seams

Jim Fetzer If you watch only one video this year, this is the one to watch. See how the DOJ/FBI was hijacked by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to sabotage Candidate Trump and subvert President Trump. It’s far worse than you thought. See how murder and politics intersect. Robert Mueller has a history of crime and corruption, including covering up 9/11, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing. He even married into the CIA. The mainstream media has lied to us for two-and-a-half years–and continues to this day!. Can you handle…

Roger Stone: Deep State plans to remove POTUS Trump, VP Pence, to install Pelosi and Hillary in COUP

by: JD Heyes (Natural News) Longtime political strategist Roger Stone believes that elements of the Democrat-aligned Deep State are plotting a coup that will see POTUS Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence removed from office, which would then hand the presidency to No. 3 in line — Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). Once Pelosi takes over, she would then oversee the appointment of twice-failed candidate Hillary Clinton as president, ensuring that she took her ‘rightful place’ as head of the country. “The Deep State seeks to fabricate…

Benghazi Bombshell: Hillary ran weapons into Libya for the Obama admin and Michael Flynn was targeted because he knew the details

(Natural News) The more you learn about “Spygate” — the Obama-era operation launched by the Deep State to trip up POTUS Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and then undermine his administration after he unexpectedly won — the more angry it should make you. Shocking new details revealed last week by a former law enforcement official named Roscoe B. Davis in a series of tweets that were backed by previous reporting from Fox News allegedly implicate the Clinton Foundation as raking in millions of dollars running guns and other weapons into the Middle…