‘Special’ service: Declassified Guantanamo court filing suggests some 9/11 hijackers were CIA agents

RT HomeWorld News What does the intelligence agency have to do with the suicide terrorist attack?   [Editor’s note: As the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I have done extensive collaborative research on 9/11 and have been flown around the world to lecture about it. I have summarized our findings in many places, which can be accessed on-line. I am embedding one of my best.]   An explosive court filing from the Guantanamo Military Commission – a court considering the cases of defendants accused of carrying out the “9/11” terrorist attacks…

Joachim Hagopian, Ukraine, US and West Cruising for a Winter Bruising as Russian Hypersonics Rollout

Joachim Hagopian A brief 1-minute 19-second video is widely circulating in Russia and now the world, even shown on RT, portraying a “tale of 3 Christmases” in Europe, past (2021), present (2022) and future (2023), depicting Russian propaganda that literally hits far closer to home to the cold hard truth than all the Western propaganda put together. It cleverly shows parents with their daughter celebrating Christmas each year starting in 2021 with the parents giving a hamster with a red bow atop its head to the daughter. The following year the house is…

NATO boss lets the cat out of the bag: US-led bloc has ‘been preparing since 2014’ to use Ukraine for proxy conflict with Russia

Robert Bridges  Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s words strengthen the case for Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg listens to questions during a media conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Wednesday, June 15, 2022. ©  AP Photo/Olivier Matthys NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg may have said the quiet part out loud on Wednesday when he revealed to reporters that NATO’s push into Eastern Europe since 2014 was done specifically with Russia in mind. “The reality is also that we have been preparing for this since 2014,” he said. “That is the…

Did NATO Lie to Russia? Is the Pope Catholic?

RT Talks held in the final days of the USSR have shaped President Vladimir Putin’s views on the current European crisis After weeks of talks between Russian and Western diplomats over Moscow’s proposed security guarantees, designed to limit NATO expansion and reduce tension in Europe, documents leaked to Spanish newspaper El Pais have revealed the bloc’s long-awaited response. Amid an ongoing standoff over Ukraine, representatives from Washington and NATO have proposed several measures for de-escalation, including increased transparency about each side’s military plans. The core of the letter, however, was…

Damian Wilson, The Waukesha Massacre is Not a ‘Crash’ and There’s Nothing ‘Accidental’ About It

Damian Wilson The idea that the murderous rampage that left six dead when career criminal Darrell Brooks plowed through a holiday crowd in his SUV was ‘accidental’ shows just how twisted and self-serving the world of woke has become. Across the mainstream media, the incident in Waukesha, Wisconsin that left dozens more injured after sex offender Brooks drove through the parade is referred to as a ‘crash’. It wasn’t a crash. It was a massacre. And if you take into account the content of Brooks’ social media account, his admiration…

US Treasury deputy sec warns unvaxxed Americans that shortages will continue until EVERYONE is jabbed

RT (15 October 2021) The deputy secretary at the US Treasury has put Americans on notice that the only way to end the plague of empty shelves around the country is for every resident to be vaccinated. The frank warning came off as a threat to many. Wally Adeyemo, the Biden administration’s second-highest official in the Treasury Department, appeared to publicly blackmail the still-sizable portion of Americans who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 during a Thursday ABC interview, seemingly blaming them for the ongoing shortages of consumer goods that…

Israel is deliberately obliterating media buildings in Gaza to cover up the war crimes that will follow

Eva Bartlett Smoke and flames rise from a tower building as it is destroyed by Israeli air strikes amid a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence, in Gaza City © Reuters The destruction of two important Gaza buildings housing 20 media outlets was both shocking and predictable. History shows that if the media aren’t around to document Israel’s war crimes, it’s a lot easier for it to commit them. On Tuesday, Israel bombed the 10-storey Al-Jawhara Tower, causing it to collapse. Before doing so, it had ‘benevolently’ warned that the airstrikes were coming. The…

Princeton University faculty seek to establish racial thought police & punish insufficiently diverse disciplines

RT Professors at prestigious Princeton University have assailed the school for its alleged “anti-Black racism,” issuing a lengthy list of demands including bribing departments to hire minorities (and punishing those that don’t). Over 350 Princeton faculty members have signed on to an open letter demanding the university prioritize the fight against “anti-Black racism,” which the writers insist “has a visible bearing upon Princeton’s campus makeup and its hiring practices.” Members of every department of the Ivy League school except Chemical and Biological Engineering and Operations Research and Financial Engineering have…

Hillary Clinton’s attacks on Tulsi Gabbard sow more Democratic division than Moscow could ever dream o

By Graham Dockery, RT In her zeal to beat off challengers to her party’s hardline anti-Russia orthodoxy, Hillary Clinton has only succeeded in sowing discord between the crop of Democratic presidential contenders. How very ‘Putin-esque’ of her. Unfounded blaming of Russia for her own woes is nothing new from Hillary Clinton, who still blames the Kremlin for denying her the presidency three years ago. If it wasn’t ‘Russian hackers’ leaking her emails, it was ‘Russian bots’ backing Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, or Vladimir Putin convincing the Green Party’s…

Is Press TV Journalist Caught in Crossfire as Trump Intensifies Iran Standoff?

Alireza Hashemi A little over a week into the arrest of the senior journalist working for Iran’s Press TV, the case has become a big controversy shrouded in mystery. On January 16, Iranians were shocked to know that the US-born anchorwoman Marzieh Hashemi had been detained in the US three days earlier. The 59-years-old widow was arrested by the FBI on January 13 at St Louis airport after visiting relatives in the New Orleans and just before boarding a plan to see her sick brother in Denver. But it took days for…