Marc A. Thiessen, Biden Blocked a Black Woman from The Supreme Court

By Marc A. Thiessen  President Biden wants credit for nominating the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. But here is the shameful irony: As a senator, Biden warned President George W. Bush that if he nominated the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court, he would filibuster and kill her nomination. The story begins in 2003, when Bush nominated Judge Janice Rogers Brown to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The D.C. Circuit is considered the country’s second-most important court,…

Memoree Joelle, We Americans are Now in a Cold Civil War

Memoree Joelle Despite Joe Biden’s promise of unity during his 2020 US presidential campaign, his administration has failed to unify the people. On the contrary, his divisive rhetoric means Americans are more polarized than ever.   I would argue that America has already fallen into what might be termed a ‘cold civil war’, following the 2020 election. “We the People” just do not see eye-to-eye on several significant issues, and it doesn’t help that many of those were thrown at us all at once, beginning with Covid-19. Since the first…

Biden-Putin Teleconference: Putin Rejects Biden’s Demand That U.S. Take Control Over Negotiations Between Ukraine and Its Former Donbass Region

By Eric Zuesse The two-hour December 7th Biden-Putin conversation (via video-conference) focused mainly on the conflict between Ukraine and its breakaway former Donbass region, which is in Ukraine’s far east and borders on Russia. In order to understand the conversation, some basic history that produced the current situation there needs to be stated, because this is the point-of-reference behind the summit-conversation that occurred on December 7th: The September 5, 2014 Minsk Protocol, and its followup February 12, 2015 Minsk II Agreement, established the agreements between Ukraine and the Donbass breakaway region, that…

Did a major shift finally happen between the USA and Russia?

The Saker The western media is writing with a uniformity and discipline which goosestepping SS on a parade could envy them: Joe Biden delivered a “stern warning” to Putin: don’t invade the Ukraine, or else… (see here, here or here). Since Russia has no intention, need, or even capability (as currently poised) to “invade” the Ukraine we can be certain that Biden will make his best impersonation “sheriff squinting eyes at OK Corral” (US Presidents like to do that to look “tough” and, therefore, “presidential”) and declare that he single-handedly stopped a Russian invasion…

Smallpox: Threat or False Flag? A Telling Timeline

COREYSDIGS.COM On November 16, 2021, it was reported that 15 vials of smallpox (variola) were found at Merck’s North Wales, PA laboratory in a freezer. While many people are panicking about smallpox being used as a bioweapon to unleash on Americans, as Bill Gates suggested just a couple weeks ago, the real question is – were there really vials found, or is this to invoke panic, siphon off another slush fund, and potentially prep for a future false flag event as another cover story to build the human enslavement system the globalists…

Israel to Attack Iran? Washington Gives the Green Light to the ‘Military Option’

Phil Geraldi [Editor’s note: My opinion has long been that Israel–and the media it controls–went all-in for Biden/Harris because, even though he had been extremely generous to the Jewish state, Donald Trump was not willing to attack Iran. That now has become apparent, where the Biden body-double has authorized a military attack by Israel on Iran. I must say that, if this goes forward, the outcome may not be at all what the Zionist masters had in mind.]   Some might recall candidate Joe Biden’s pledge to work to rejoin…

Is the Biden Administration Trying to Murder Its Opponents?

By William Sullivan [Editor’s note: In case anyone doubts that murders are part of the plan, I have added the report of a funeral director from the UK, who explains that the alleged “Covid deaths” were of those who died from other causes and that long-term care facilities are sedating the elderly to bring about their deaths in order to add them to the count.] Imagine a doctor standing at a patient’s bedside.  The patient is deathly ill, and will likely die without the aid of that life-support device resting by…

Opinion: Biden has no business setting foot at Ground Zero on the anniversary of 9/11

Opinion by  Marc A. Thiessen [Editor’s note: Marc Thiessen has it right but some of his reasons are wrong. The 19 alleged “suicide hijackers” and Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with the atrocities of 9/11: they were patsies, like Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan in relation to JFK and Bobby, as I explain in my “Dark Outpost” presentation (below). But the calamitous fashion in which the Afghanistan withdrawal took place and the disrespectful way he has behaved with grieving families more than justifies keeping him far away.] …

Paul Craig Roberts, The Covid Scam Is Unraveling

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS    The Covid Scam is collapsing across the entire front much like the Wehrmacht after Stalingrad. Mask mandates and lockdowns are on the comeback because health authorities now admit that the Covid vaccines do not offer effective protection, especially against what are called “new variants.” What is the point of a Covid passport when the vaccine does not protect and the vaccinated have to wear masks?   Presstitute scum in the US falsely report that the “new outbreak” of Covid is among the unvaccinated young, and…

Patrick McShay, Whistleblowers, Media Lies, and Deep State Deception

By Patrick J. McShay People don’t know the value of what they’ve got until it’s  gone: Freedom suppressed and again regained bites with keener fangs than freedom never endangered… Liberty is rendered even more precious by the recollection of servitude. Don’t wait till freedom is gone before you enjoy, value, support, protect and make the most of it! — Marcus Tullius Cicero A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.  — George Orwell Dementia Joe Biden has…