Marc Ash, Biden Endorsement on Hold (from a prominent left-wing advocate)

By Marc Ash [Editor’s note: Talk about an “enthusiasm gap”? Here’s a leading proponent of the Democratic Party, who cannot decide what he thinks about Joe Biden at this late date. I think they don’t have a prayer.] hould Joe Biden become the eventual Democratic Party presidential nominee, and it seems highly likely that he will, I fully intend to vote for him. Under no circumstances would I consider voting for Donald Trump. I should take a moment to say that the moral and constitutional urgency to remove Trump from…

John Kass, Kavanaugh-Biden double standard and lack of curiosity over Flynn make Beltway media look bad

JOHN KASS If there were ever a time that the American people needed credible national journalism, it is now, during this awful coronavirus pandemic. But for many reasons, whatever trust the people had in news from Washington has been broken over time. Now tens of millions of Americans are out of work, tens of thousands have died, the people are overwhelmed by conflicting and dueling scientific models of the virus, tribal politics shapes coverage. And Americans are so confused and afraid that many have been willing to accept suspension of…

Arun Gupta, Trump Beats Biden

By Arun Gupta, Jacobin The Democratic Party establishment has united behind the candidate who has failed at running for president for 32 years. Defender of banks and drug companies, Joe Biden is the swamp creature of Donald Trump’s dreams. oe Biden may have pulled off a miracle on Super Tuesday, but he is a desperation candidate for Democratic National Committee (DNC) honchos. For a year, they flirted with Beto O’Rourke and Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar and Mike Bloomberg, and they even considered Elizabeth Warren in the hopes that someone,…

Sputnik International, The Biden Bet: How Could Hillary Clinton Claw Her Way to the Presidency?

Sputnik International  The 2020 election cycle in the United States has been rife with partisan infighting and power plays, and produced speculation galore. One of the biggest rumours thus far is whether the Democratic heavyweight Hillary Clinton will enter the fray again. Joe Biden’s once-moribund presidential bid came back from the dead in the past week, but there has also been an increasingly growing flow of questions regarding his mental health from his detractors. A three-page medical report, which did not include a cognitive functioning test, stated that he is fit for…

Matt Taibbi, To Rebound and Win, Bernie Sanders Needs to Leave His Comfort Zone

MATT TAIBBI  Current and former staffers say Sanders has run a great campaign — except when it comes to taking on Democrats like Joe Biden by name. Can he fix that? A former aide to Bernie Sanders tells a story about the old days, when the little-known House Independent used to crisscross Vermont holding town hall meetings. “It was morning to night, and we’d hit every corner of the state,” the aide recalls. “They would go on and on. I’d say to him, ‘Bernie, it’s okay if we leave a little bit…

Nathan Robinson, Stop Saying Biden Is the ‘Most Electable.’ Trump Will Run Rings Round Him

By Nathan Robinson Did we learn nothing from 2016? Trump is savagely effective at destroying establishment politicians – and Biden would lose. upporters of Joe Biden are unlikely to be persuaded by most of the common criticisms. They know he can be rambling and unintelligible. They know his record is unimpressive and that he doesn’t really have “policy proposals”. None of this matters, though, because to them he has the most important quality of all: he can beat Donald Trump. Nothing you can say about the former vice-president’s record, platform…

Jeff Cohen, Did Chris Matthews Reveal What the Democratic Establishment Really Fears?

By Jeff Cohen ainstream news outlets keep pounding home the same message — that the “Democratic establishment” or “Democratic moderates” are worried sick that Bernie Sanders can’t beat Trump. They worry about a Trump landslide, and a “down-ballot disaster” in Congressional races. Democratic insiders, we’re told, fear a re-run of 1972 — when progressive antiwar candidate George McGovern lost 49 of 50 states to Richard Nixon. Given our divided electoral map, with nearly 40 states safely blue or red, such a scenario in 2020 is thoroughly absurd. That didn’t stop now-ex-MSNBC host Chris…

Jim Fetzer, Simple Proof: Google Manipulated South Carolina Primary for Joe Biden

Jim Fetzer Not only did Joe Biden declare that he would appoint “the first African-American woman to the US Senate“–when one of the two to have already been elected, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), was campaigning against him for the Democratic nomination–but Senators are not appointed by the President! His own has been rife with gaffs, including the claim that “150,000,000 Americans have died from gun violence since 2007–which would be half the US population of around 330,000,000–but that he himself was a “candidate for the US Senate” and that he…

Steve Feinstein, The Rise of Democratic Idiocracy

By Steve Feinstein   As the 2020 campaign season heats up, the candidates are staking out their respective positions along the political continuum, looking to occupy precisely the right slot, the one that will appeal to a winning swath of voters come November. President Trump has chosen his position: He’s taking the “Make actual day-to-day life better for people by strengthening the job market, reducing taxes, making energy more plentiful and affordable, reducing the negative economic impact and civil disruption caused by rampant illegal immigration, improving our national security by rebuilding…

Paul Street, The Game is Rigged

by PAUL STREET I’m not just talking about the neo-fascistic Donald Trump, the Republican Party, the Republican-controlled United States Senate and the fake-impeachment trial that body just concluded. I’m talking about their neoliberal enablers, the Democrats, too. Certain Depressing Things Explained The deeply conservative corporate and imperialist Democratic Party politics and media complex is determined to deny the progressive neo-New Deal Democrat Bernie Sanders the presidential nomination. So what if Sanders is the Democratic presidential candidate most likely to organize the working- and lower-class the corporate Democrats – the nation’s Inauthentic…