Patricia N. Saffran, The Unlawful Assault on Ezekiel’s Masterpiece, the Arlington Reconciliation Memorial

 Patricia N. Saffran   The Civil War may have ended with a peaceful accord in 1865, but when in 2021 Congress passed a bill creating the Naming Commission, they authorized a campaign all over again, against anything Confederate. According to H.R. 6395, “The Secretary of Defense shall establish a commission relating to assigning, modifying, or removing of names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia to assets of the Department of Defense that commemorate the Confederate States of America or any person who served voluntarily with the Confederate States of America.” The…

Patricia N. Saffran, The George Washington Equestrian Statue in Union Square NYC is Under Siege 

Patricia N. Saffran Independence Day celebrants in New York City on July 4, 1856, were thrilled with the unveiling of the colossal George Washington equestrian statue in Union Square. The New York Herald reported that year on July 5th “When the covering fell, revealing the familiar lineaments of Washington, the universal burst of enthusiasm which arose from troops and citizens in salutation almost drowned the salvos of artillery.” “The statue itself is fourteen feet high. It was cast at Chicopee, Mass, and and weighs 4 tons. It occupied the artist…