GLADIO Psyop: Another False Flag Synaogogue Shooting with a Fake Hero that’s Probably a Total Hoax

The Mossad Owns and Operates the American Terrorism Industry One dead, three injured in synagogue shooting in the San Diego area State of the Nation SOTN Editor’s Note: Sorry to say that yesterday’s shooting at the San Diego-area synagogue has all the elements of not only a false flag but also a juvenile hoax.  That there was an assault rifle involved and so many children in the line of fire lends to the strong likelihood that this bogus terrorist attack was carried out as a psyop to implement gun control in California. For…

Stephanie Sledge: Trump’s words, “Worry about due process later”, reverberate after (staged) Pittsburgh Shooting, Part 2

By Stephanie Sledge PART 2 – DISTURBING PLOTS AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION  “We believe that criminals who kill our police officers should immediately, with trial, but rapidly as possible, not 15 years later, 20 years later—get the death penalty.” – Donald Trump “When people do this they should get the death penalty,” he said. “And they shouldn’t have to wait years and years. … And, I think they should very much bring the death penalty into vogue.” – Donald Trump “This is a very important time in our country. Due Process,…

Thomas Muller, Observations on the Squirrel Hill Synagogue Shooting (Updated)

Thomas MĂĽller At this stage of our national arrested development, if we can’t find an intrepid journalist(s) with a pair — like a Michael Hastings or Gary Webb, for example — to investigate the Squirrel Hill and other shootings and to corroborate the evidence and victims, then it will simply be one more nail in the already sealed “U.S. coffin.” One of the most startling elements of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting event is that nine of the 11 killed were seniors, and five could be classified as quite elderly. Average…

No surprise: Former DNC-Head Howard Dean trashes First Amendment

Joe Newly [Editor’s note: The First Amendment was not intended to protect popular speech, which requires no protection, but unpopular–even offensive–speech. That Howard Dean, the former head of the DNC, whom I once admired, should make such an absurd declaration in violation of the rights granted by the Constitution tells me that the Democratic Party in its current incarnation does not represent the public interest. While I voted twice for Bill and twice more for Barack, anyone who votes Democrat today will be trashing the precious heritage of our Bill…