NOW YOU KNOW: Abolishing Police Is a Step Toward Ending White Supremacy and Capitalism

Kristian Williams PART OF THE SERIES The Road to Abolition Something has come unstuck. The common sense about policing has abruptly changed. This shift was a long time coming: Prison abolitionists — a movement of scholars and activists, notably spearheaded by Black women such as Angela Davis and Ruth Wilson Gilmore — have spent decades organizing toward a goal of abolishing the prison system. The Black Lives Matter movement and a new generation of Black-led organizing have kindled a new moment in which a world without police feels truly possible.…

State of the Nation, FAUCIgate: OPERATION COVID-19 Point Man Tony Fauci Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Genocide

State of the Nation DR. ANTHONY STEPHEN FAUCI OPERATION COVID-19 Point Man COVID-1984 Co-Conspirator Medical Mafia Godfather Big Pharma’s Inside Man Manchurian Candidate Black Nobility Cabalist Globalist Fearmonger Democrat Operative Agent of Deep State C.I.A. Drug Dealer NIH Corruptocrat British Intel Asset Cultural Marxist Physician Fraud NIAID Grifter Jesuit Pawn The Most Corrupt Career NIH Criminal Ever to Head the NIAID  Special Note: If the following exposé is to be properly understood, this previously published investigative report is required reading: COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility. FAUCIgate It doesn’t get any bigger that FAUCIgate.…

State of the Nation, The Secret Back Story Behind the Outright Treason of Adam Schiff

State of the Nation [Editor’s note: Although this was originally published March 2019, it remains acutely relevant ant timely today, as will be obvious.] ADAM SCHIFF A Stone-cold Traitor Guilty of Spearheading a Highly Organized Conspiracy to Commit Treason and Overthrow the POTUS Schiff is also guilty of fomenting war with Russia based on a patently false pretext and bogus allegations! Very few understand that Russiagate was a highly organized Deep State conspiracy conducted by the Democrat Party to overthrow President Donald Trump and to start the hot phase of World War III…

Mike Adams, Did Adam Schiff pull a Jussie Smollett and FABRICATE the existence of the whistleblower?

Mike Adams (Natural News) Earlier today, President Trump declared that he believes Rep. Adam Schiff wrote the so-called “whistleblower” complaint (see video below). But the official whistleblower complaint story is unraveling by the hour as new facts emerge, pointing to a far more shocking likelihood: That Adam Schiff may have fabricated the existence of the whistleblower himself, in effect projecting his own complaint onto a fictional persona that he is now going to question in a private, closed-door congressional session where he will essentially be questioning himself. This scenario isn’t proven yet, but it’s…