Joachim Hagopian, Per Puppet Master Plan, US Warship Attacked & Pentagon Boss Austin Slides Us Closer to WW III 

Joachim Hagopian For a look at what the Mainstream Media is reporting, my convenient go-to source is typically Yahoo News that never fails to showcase all the biggest fake news outlets’ latest scripted lies. I ran across the eye-opening click bait headline “Pentagon head rips those advocating ‘American retreat from responsibility,’” featuring a photo of my old West Point squad mate I supervised 51 years ago, the current US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III. I clicked to draw a closer look at the Sunday December 3rd Associated Press headline declaring “Defense head calls out…

David Stockman, How American Neocons Wrecked the Middle East and Ukraine

by David Stockman  THE FIRST GULF WAR – A CATASTROPHIC ERROR Confronted with the greatest opportunity for global peace in nearly a century, George H. W. Bush did not hesitate:  Upon the advice of his retainers, he immediately elected the path of war in the Persian Gulf. This endeavor was hatched by Henry Kissinger’s economically illiterate protégés at the National Security Council and Bush’s Texas oilman secretary of state, James Baker. They falsely claimed that the will-o’-the-wisp of “oil security” was at stake, and that 500,000 American troops needed to…

Joachim Hagopian, Americans Deteriorating Mental Health and What Can Be Done About It

Joachim Hagopian As a licensed therapist for 27 years working within America’s thoroughly stretched and broken mental health system, I can tell you that the mental health of our nation’s citizens has rapidly deteriorated in recent years, especially since the diabolically conspired COVID catastrophe has brought death and injury to both our physical and psychological health. It seems that every family in America knows someone who has died or been injured from the Big Pharma premeditated bioweapon. The domino effect from this unprecedented, still unfolding tragedy compounds skyrocketing pressures to…

Joachim Hagopian, Takedown of America via Lloyd Austin’s West Point Wokism, Challenged by New Lawsuit and His $1 Salary

Joachim Hagopian   US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and West Point have splashed across recent headlines, further damaging the US Military Academy’s pristine reputation as a once honored, hallowed institution. From my own personal experience at West Point, I learned firsthand that this once heralded institution was and still is anything but honorable. At the end of my third year at the Academy, I had to fight for my constitutional due process rights in a New York federal district court to prevent the actions of dishonest officers engaging in command conspiracy from running up…

Michael Brenner, US Can’t Deal With Defeat

Michael Brenner In the U.S., the strongest collective memory of America’s wars of choice is the desirability – and ease – of forgetting them. So it will be when we look at a ruined Ukraine in the rear-view mirror, writes Michael Brenner. The United States is being defeated in Ukraine. One could say that it is facing defeat — or, more starkly, that it is staring defeat in the face. Neither formulation is appropriate, though. The U.S. doesn’t look reality squarely in the eye. It prefers to look at the world…

Philip Giraldi, How Jewish Is the War Against Russia? Let’s be honest about who is promoting it

PHILIP GIRALDI  (JULY 12, 2022) Five years ago, I wrote an article entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s wars.” It turned out to be the most popular piece that I have ever written and I was rewarded for it by immediately being fired by the so-called American Conservative magazine, where I had been a regular and highly popular contributor for fourteen years. I opened the article with a brief description of an encounter with a supporter whom I had met shortly before at an antiwar conference. The elderly gentleman asked “Why doesn’t anyone ever speak honestly about the…

Daniel Kovalik, Russia, Donbass and the Reality of Conflict in Ukraine

Daniel Kovalik I just returned from my third trip to Russia, and my second trip to Donbas (now referring to the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk collectively) in about eight months. This time, I flew into lovely Tallinn, Estonia, and took what should be about a six-hour bus ride to St. Petersburg. In the end, my bus trip took me about 12 hours, due to a long wait in Customs on the Russian side of the border. Having a U.S. passport and trying to pass the frontier from a hostile,…

Joachim Hagopian,  Overcoming Today’s Fractured World

Joachim Hagopian The elites’ rush to crush Western civilization and the United States in particular was expedited with their illegally installed, handpicked, senile puppet Biden whose 2020 political rallies attracted very sparse numbers. Yet we’re supposed to actually believe he received the most votes in US history with over 81 million? The powerbrokers’ puppet’s assigned, scripted role to finish the job begun by his boss Manchurian traitor Obama to destroy America from within, after the populist battering ram Trump briefly upended their Saul Alinsky Marxist plan, further polarizing the US left-right divide. The diabolical elitist plan…

Joachim Hagopian, City of London’s Desperado Edict: NATO Summit Commits to Kiev’s Pathway to Membership and Cluster Bombing to WWIII

Joachim Hagopian   Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the days leading up to Tuesday July 11th’s two-day NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania appears to have dramatically pivoted back into the Western Deep State fold, on Saturday July 8th raising the issue of becoming an EU member again, advocating Ukraine join NATO, finally giving in to Sweden as a NATO member on the eve of the Vilnius NATO summit, and last Saturday releasing five neo-Nazi Ukrainian Azovstal commanders vowing to return to the combat zone who were held in a Turkish prison, breeching the original agreement between Ankara,…

Sergey Karaganov: By using its nuclear weapons, Russia could save humanity from a global catastrophe

Sergey Karaganov NOTE: By Professor Sergey Karaganov, honorary chairman of Russia’s Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, and academic supervisor at the School of International Economics and Foreign Affairs Higher School of Economics (HSE) in Moscow This article has sparked major debate among experts in Russia about nuclear weapons, their role and the conditions of their use. This is especially the case given Sergey Karaganov’s status as a former presidential adviser to both Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin, and his position as head of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, a…