Biden-Putin Teleconference: Putin Rejects Biden’s Demand That U.S. Take Control Over Negotiations Between Ukraine and Its Former Donbass Region

By Eric Zuesse The two-hour December 7th Biden-Putin conversation (via video-conference) focused mainly on the conflict between Ukraine and its breakaway former Donbass region, which is in Ukraine’s far east and borders on Russia. In order to understand the conversation, some basic history that produced the current situation there needs to be stated, because this is the point-of-reference behind the summit-conversation that occurred on December 7th: The September 5, 2014 Minsk Protocol, and its followup February 12, 2015 Minsk II Agreement, established the agreements between Ukraine and the Donbass breakaway region, that…

Did a major shift finally happen between the USA and Russia?

The Saker The western media is writing with a uniformity and discipline which goosestepping SS on a parade could envy them: Joe Biden delivered a “stern warning” to Putin: don’t invade the Ukraine, or else… (see here, here or here). Since Russia has no intention, need, or even capability (as currently poised) to “invade” the Ukraine we can be certain that Biden will make his best impersonation “sheriff squinting eyes at OK Corral” (US Presidents like to do that to look “tough” and, therefore, “presidential”) and declare that he single-handedly stopped a Russian invasion…

20th Observance of 9/11: Thierry Meyssan got it right!

Thierry Meyssan Today everything agrees with Thierry Meyssan [Editor’s note: When Thierry Meyssan published “Hunt the Boeing!” and Pentagate (2002), he was making the key point that no Boeing 757 had hit the Pentagon, which meant that, as the US military command-and-control center, the entire 9/11 operation had to be a fraud. He was right about that, where I have embedded the results of collaborative research by members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, which I founded, as confirmation across the board.’] By questioning the official version of the September 11…

Marc Thiessen, Trump is surrounded by leakers. Why would he trust them with his Putin note?

Marc Thiessen The Washington Post‘s report that President Trump “has gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal details of his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin” — including taking away an interpreter’s notes and instructing the person not to discuss what was said even with senior officials of his own administration — has raised hackles in Washington. Some have gone so far as to suggest this is evidence that the president is a secret Russian asset. More likely it is evidence that the president feels he cannot trust those around him…

Jeremiah Johnson, The Calm Before the Storm

Jeremiah Johnson [Editor’s note: While I disagree with the author about what Trump has accomplished, which, in my view, includes improving relations between North and South Korea and ending the war in Syria, hopefully to be followed by ending the war in Afghanistan, improving the economy and reducing unemployment, all while under attack by the Mockingbird Media and the Deep State, I respect well-reasoned critiques and, in that spirit, publish this one here. Prior to the midterms, Rasmussen had his popularity rating across the nation at 50% and, perhaps even…

Matt Purple, Washington Melts Down over Trump’s Syria Withdrawal

Matt Purple  Their obsession with Vladimir Putin misses the point and obscured the high cost of our military misadventures. He’s a wily one, that Vladimir Putin. Consider all that he’s managed to accomplish over the last 24 hours, according to the geopolitical wizards on Twitter. At Putin’s behest, President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced a withdrawal of American troops from Syria. That’s now cleared the path for Russia to exert control over Damascus, the Middle East, indeed the world itself, because Moscow has at last secured the jewel in its…