Joachim Hagopian, Surging Stress, Anxiety and Polarization are Driving America’s Mental Health Crisis – By Design

Joachim Hagopian As a licensed mental health clinician for over a quarter century, and author-journalist for more than a decade, I can honestly say that the fragile state of Americans’ mental health today is plummeting at an unforeseen rate, the likes of which virtually all Americans alive today have never experienced before. With the economic forecast looking ever-gloomier throughout Western economies, financial stress and job anxiety are running rampant in both America and UK/Europe, causing a mental health crisis. In America, anxiety ranks as the #1 mental health issue in the workplace. This…

Joachim Hagopian, The Sergey Lavrov Inspired Mini-History Deep Dive

Joachim Hagopian As we approach the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 disaster, a look back at the unprosecuted conspirators is a most worthwhile endeavour. In the name of national security and citizen safety, ever since 9/11, the US authoritarian government has been busily stripping away our stolen civil liberties, flagrantly violating our constitutional rule of law, deceptively deploying the dialectic M.O. “problem-reaction-solution,” repeatedly to erode and destroy our American way of life. While jointly partnering with Israel in America’s deadliest act of terrorism committed on US soil on 9/11, the Patriot…