Rise of A Zombie Nation: Heartbreaking Pictorial Essay of American Streets While Biden Spends Tens of Billions on Ukraine, Illegal Immigrants, Instead of Helping U.S. Citizens

By Susan Duclos  Since Joe Biden started occupying the White House the U.S has handed over between $27 billion and $30 billion to Ukraine, depending on whether you garner your numbers from the media ($27 billion) or the State.gov website page titled “U.S. Security Cooperation with Ukraine” ($30 billion). To put those numbers into perspective, since 2014, when the Obama regime helped overthrow the democratically elected  pro-Russia president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych , to install a western lackey, Volodymyr Zelensky, the U.S. has given Ukraine $32 billion. So, before Biden, the U.S. spent a couple of…

Fred Lucas, Biden’s ‘most radical’ judges could ‘deliver the left’s policy preferences,’ judicial watchdogs warn

By Fred Lucas Nominations are Biden’s way of ‘paying back the left-wing dark money groups who spent over a billion dollars to help elect him’ according to the Judicial Crisis Network Sen. Ted Cruz rails against ‘radical’ Biden judicial nominees, calls on Democrats to do something (to watch, click here) Sen. Ted Cruz delivered a tirade against President Biden’s judicial nominees who he believes are unqualified, calling on Democrats to vote against them. The Democratic-controlled Senate is poised to approve another slate of President Biden’s judicial nominees with a history of working…

‘Tragic’: CDC Adds Original COVID mRNA Vaccine to Childhood Schedule Despite Known Harms

Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday added the two-shot primary series mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to its routine immunization schedule for children and adults, formalizing the agency’s vaccine advisory committee’s unanimous recommendation made in October 2022. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Thursday added COVID-19 vaccination to its routine immunization schedule for children and adults. Although the CDC does not have the authority to set requirements itself, the agency’s immunization schedule provides formal guidance for state and local public health officials who set the…

Joachim Hagopian, The Global Tide Is Turning: Justice Sought in Two Legal Cases Against Pfizer and Swiss President

Joachim Hagopian An extremely significant video features three activists in today’s truth and justice movement, each playing a seminal role championing the cause of human freedom and redress from the genocidal killers. The three are involved in several exciting related developments currently breaking that are unprecedented regarding game-changing tipping points involving potential landmark lawsuits against both national governments and the primary mRNA Big Pharma giant – Pfizer-BioNTech as the fascist business model for merging corporate and state power. The second speaker in the video is retired Swiss international banker, author and filmmaker Pascal Najadi,…

Seymour Hersh, How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

Seymour Hersh “Biden’s decision to sabotage the pipelines came after more than nine months of highly secret back and forth debate inside Washington’s national security community . . .” NORD STREAM The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, a now-booming resort city in the southwestern panhandle of Florida, 70 miles south of the Alabama border. The center’s complex is as nondescript as its location—a drab concrete post-World War II…

Fake President: Joe Biden Clone | Clones, Doubles, Actors, Transvestites Hiding in Plain Sight, Holographic or CGI (video)

GN-JOURNAL.COM Editor’s note: Notice in the featured image (above) that the center figure (who is now treated as though he were our President) appears to be wearing a (full-head) Biden mask. One candidate for playing “Joe Biden” was born in Manchester, UK, in 1945: It has become overwhelmingly clear to sane Americans that the president is not the person who the democrats thought they were voting for. At first, it was just little nuances, a slight tick or unusual gesture. Now, physical differences are becoming prevalent. The change in his…

Joachim Hagopian, Saga of Beijing’s Spy Balloon Proves that China Owns and Controls Braindead Biden

Joachim Hagopian Through the disastrous presidency of Imposter-in-Thief Joe Biden about to be hung out to dry, if you weren’t quite convinced that the Chinese Communist Party overthrew our nation in recent years, then the latest headlines should wake you from your stupor to finally force you to see that the United States under constant attack from enemies both within and out, is now completely captured and controlled by Beijing Communists. After an identified Chinese high-altitude spy balloon entered the United States airspace in Montana, first observed by civilians on the ground…

Scott Bennett, What Would General Soleimani Say to the World Today?

By Scott Bennett A few years ago, I had the honor of traveling to Iran to speak at the New Horizon’s Conference led by the great Nader Talebzedah and his dear wife Zeina.  While there I was introduced by Nader to General Soleimani’s daughter, a cheerful and smiling young woman optimistic about the possibilities for the future.  Tragically, our hopeful expectations were shattered by the assignation of her father in a missile strike launched by the United States and Israel when he was lured to Iraq to present ideas for…

Philip Geraldi, How Jewish Is the War Against Russia?

PHILIP GIRALDI (JULY 12, 2022) Let’s be honest about who is promoting it Five years ago, I wrote an article entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s wars.” It turned out to be the most popular piece that I have ever written and I was rewarded for it by immediately being fired by the so-called American Conservative magazine, where I had been a regular and highly popular contributor for fourteen years. I opened the article with a brief description of an encounter with a supporter whom I had met shortly before at an antiwar conference. The elderly gentleman asked…

William de Berg, The New Opium War: Revenge of the Middle Kingdom?

William de Berg In the middle of the 19th-Century, Great Britain and its East India Tea Company had a major problem:  Exports from China (silk, porcelain, tea, etc.) were worth much more than the imports to the Middle Kingdom  (mainly precious metals).   So, the British created an import market by selling opium to the Chinese masses, whose growing addictions alarmed the Chinese emperors.   Issuing edicts and burning warehouses didn’t sit well with the British, who along with the French ended up sending their navies upriver to capture the capital cities…