After the JFK Assassination–a True Coup d’Ă©tat: Is the Current US Government Legitimate?

Dr. J. P. Hubert, MD FACSmoralphilosophyofcurrentevents.blogspot.com3 August 2010 It is now beyond reasonable doubt (BRD) that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by his own National Security State in what was a violent coup d’Ă©tat that is, an overthrowing of the legitimate elected government of the United States by force through the use of the clandestine black-ops services of the CIA, elements of the Secret Service, the US military, the FBI and organized crime.[1] Probability and Statistics: Various scientific calculations have been done which indicate that there is less than…

Edward Haslam – DR. MARY’S MONKEY – Part II

Perhaps no one else has a better understanding of mysterious events that were unfolding in New Orleans during 1963 than Edward Haslam, who grew up in that enchanting city and learned of Dr. Mary Sherman from his father, who was an accomplished physician in his own right and a member of the faculty at the Tulane Medical School. Ed’s curiousity and perserverence in attempting to unravel the circumstances of the death of Dr. Sherman (the DR. MARY of the title of his book) led him into a network of secret…

Edward Haslam – DR. MARY’S MONKEY

NOTE FROM THE WEBMASTER: THE FOUR RADIO INTERVIEWS BELOW, BY EDWARD T. HASLAM ON COAST-TO-COAST, HAVE BEEN BLOCKED. WE WILL GET THESE FILES WORKING AGAIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THE YOUTUBE VIDEO (BELOW) IS STILL VIEWABLE. Those who are most critical about Judyth Vary Baker appear to be those who know the least about her. It is therefore fortunate indeed that the author of DR. MARY’S MONKEY, Edward Haslam, has spent some 1,000 hours questioning her and establishing the core authenticity of her story. His book, which appeared in 2007,…

New 9/11 photos released

Newly released aerial photos of the World Trade Center terror attack capture the towers’ dramatic collapse, from just after the first fiery plane strike to the apocalyptic dust clouds that spread over lower Manhattan. But the photos suggest something else was going on. This does not look like a “collapse”. The images were taken from a police helicopter–the only photographs allowed in the air space near the towers on September 11, 2001. Underwriters Laboratory had certified the steel up to 2,000°F for three to four hours. When NIST sampled 236…

Blowing the Whistle on Dartmouth: Hany Farid “in the nation’s service”

A Dartmouth faculty member claims to have shown that a “backyard photograph” of Lee Harvey Oswald appears to be authentic based upon his study of the shadow of the nose. But the nose shadow is only one of many indications of fakery, including that the chin is not Oswald’s chin, there is an insert line between the chin and the lower lip, the finger-tips are cut off, and more. I have sought to alert the Dartmouth administration about the problem, to no avail.Madison, WI (OpEdNews) — When The Huffington Post…