Smallpox: Threat or False Flag? A Telling Timeline

COREYSDIGS.COM On November 16, 2021, it was reported that 15 vials of smallpox (variola) were found at Merck’s North Wales, PA laboratory in a freezer. While many people are panicking about smallpox being used as a bioweapon to unleash on Americans, as Bill Gates suggested just a couple weeks ago, the real question is – were there really vials found, or is this to invoke panic, siphon off another slush fund, and potentially prep for a future false flag event as another cover story to build the human enslavement system the globalists…

Robert S. Griffin, Ph.D., Thoughts on Kenosha

Robert S. Griffin, Ph.D. This is being written the day after the not guilty verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse case.  I assume you know the basics of the case.  Over the past year, I paid about as much attention to the case as the average person, no more than that.  It was streaming the trial the past couple of weeks that got me thinking.   This is to share some of what has come up for me for your consideration. I was impressed with Rittenhouse on the stand and his two…

BLM Supporter Plows Through Christmas Parade Killing 5 — Is That A ‘Hate Crime’?

K. Walker  [Editor’s note: Think about it: A black man deliberately plows through a parade of (almost exclusively) white people and there’s barely a whiff of media coverage, but a white kid acts in self defense and he’s demonized as a “white supremacist”: Self-defense of a white kid against three thugs with criminal records does not fit the Democrat narrative, so they make up stories to make it fit; a black man with a criminal record slaughters whites during a parade and it’s massively suppressed. Domestic disturbances happen all the…

The Real Deal JFK SPECIAL (18 November 2021): Dedicated to Oliver Stone

Jim Fetzer To watch the video, click here: The Real Deal JFK SPECIAL (18 November 2021) Dedicated to Oliver Stone, whose new film will be released on 22 November 2021. His “JFK” was a masterpiece with three flaws: he did not know that Oswald was in the doorway of the Book Depository at the time the JFK motorcade passed by or that the Zapruder film had been massively edited, no doubt because he was relying upon advice from Robert Groden, who has played the JFK community (virtually) from the beginning.…

RSN Debate: Adam Serwer, Of Course Kyle Rittenhouse Was Acquitted

Adam Serwer/The Atlantic 20 november 21 [Editor’s note: When I ran across this on RSN (Reader Supported News, a familiar left-wing website), I thought it was poorly reasoned and seriously distorted with regard to the facts of the case, the applicable law, and the criteria for self-defense. So I thought I would engage. Not warmly received. Still going on.] It is one thing to argue that the jury reached a reasonable verdict based on the law, and another entirely to celebrate Rittenhouse’s actions. The United States is a nation awash…

Boom: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book Blows The Lid Off of Anthony Fauci’s Dark Past and Hidden Agenda

POSTED BY: DR. JOSEPH MERCOLA  PDF 📄 Anthony Fauci is poster child for Technocracy: unelected, unaccountable, ethically challenged and driven by a twisted sense of scientific progress. Kennedy’s exposé is already an instant best seller based on pre-orders and fully exposes Fauci’s hidden agenda. ⁃ TN Editor STORY AT-A-GLANCE > Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the U.S., and 68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from bioweapons research > Instead of safeguarding public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci turned the National Institutes of Health into an incubator for…

Former New York Times journalist says the paper deliberately HELD her story condemning Kenosha rioters until after 2020 election:

Jennifer Smith Former New York Times journalist says the paper deliberately HELD her story condemning Kenosha rioters until after 2020 election: ‘The reality of what brought Kyle Rittenhouse into the streets was one we were meant to ignore’ Bowles wrote a piece about how the riots destroyed the lives and livelihoods of local business owners, many of whom were not white She submitted it to The Times but was told it ‘wouldn’t run until after the election’ She says journalists in a wider sense were ‘meant to ignore’ the anarchy…

Andrew Branca, Suspect a Rogue Juror, #54, Foreperson, is Holding Back Acquittal

Andrew Branca Hello, Today completed the third day of jury deliberations in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, with no verdict being achieved before the jury was sent home for the day. There wasn’t much real action today, with the exception of a couple of notable events, and my own increasing belief that we’re dealing with a single hold-out juror for guilt, and that this juror is #54, the foreperson. RITTENHOUSE TRIAL COVERAGE BY ANDREW BRANCA: WHAT TO EXPECT AS TRIAL STARTS TODAY Posted on 11/1/2021   Posted By: Justin Collett The opinions…

The Saker, Russian Options in a World Headed for War

The Saker The world is headed for war and has been headed that way for quite a while now.  Several times, just at the brink, the West decided to pull back, but each time it did that its ruling elites felt two things: first, the felt even more hatred for Russia for forcing them to back down and, second, they interpreted the fact that no shooting war happened (yet) as the evidence, at least in their minds, that standing on the brink of war is a pretty safe exercise.  And…

Bricks in Kenosha? Again? Pay No Attention to the Brick Wizard Behind the Curtain….

The Starfire Codes Follow the Money Trail Road…. Let’s talk about the mysterious bricks surfacing in Kenosha…. There are already calls of suspicious activity coming through the police scanner. Between 12 and 1 PM EST earlier today, a Kenosha officer checked a local alley way and verified there are “bricks everywhere.” The audio begins here at the 1:11 mark. Hmm… preparing for the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict already, are we? This should all sound familiar because it’s how we got into this mess to begin with…. In 2020, during the Kenosha riots when Kyle Rittenhouse…