Joachim Hagopian, Are Courts Overturning Biden Regime Violating 1st, 2nd and Potential 14th Amendments?

Joachim Hagopian A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.                                                                                                                          …

Joseph Mercola, M.D., Why Isn’t Your Doctor Warning You About This?

Dr. Joseph Mercola Doctors are afraid to speak out about COVID-19 treatment and the dangers of the COVID-19 shots because they can lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative. Story at a Glance Doctors are afraid to speak out about COVID-19 treatment and the dangers of the COVID-19 shots because they can lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative. Remdesivir is the only “standard of care” drug approved for the treatment of COVID-19, even though it was found to be…

Revolver Investigates Disturbing Link Between DHS and The Domestic War On MAGA

REVOLVER In a move that is Orwellian even by the current year’s dystopian standards, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security on Monday issued a heightened terrorist threat assessment centered around “online misinformation:” The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. [DHS] That’s right, folks, the Ministry of Truth is officially here, under the auspices of the government’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure…

Paul Craig Roberts, The Covid Scam Is Unraveling

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS    The Covid Scam is collapsing across the entire front much like the Wehrmacht after Stalingrad. Mask mandates and lockdowns are on the comeback because health authorities now admit that the Covid vaccines do not offer effective protection, especially against what are called “new variants.” What is the point of a Covid passport when the vaccine does not protect and the vaccinated have to wear masks?   Presstitute scum in the US falsely report that the “new outbreak” of Covid is among the unvaccinated young, and…

Mike Whitney: You Refuse to Get Vaccinated, But Are You Ready to be an Outcast?

Mike Whitney   “If behavioral psychologists helped to shape the government’s strategy on mass vaccination, then in what other policies were they involved? Were these the “professionals” who conjured up the pandemic restrictions? Were the masks, the social distancing and the lockdowns all promoted by “experts” as a way to undermine normal human relations and inflict the maximum psychological pain on the American people? Was the intention to create a weak and submissive population that would willingly accept the dismantling of democratic institutions and the imposition of a new political…

Dr. Scott Atlas says America may not survive the corruption, incompetence and FRAUD unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic

Ethan Huff (Natural News) Besides his hawking of vaccines as the “cure” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Dr. Scott Atlas, who served as special adviser to the president from August through November, made some interesting points in a recent op-ed, published in The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), about the demise of America due to lockdowns and other plandemic restrictions. Thanks to the media’s relentless politicization of the crisis, most Americans are still stuck at home with dwindling resources and no apparent future. Businesses are closed, children are prohibited from attending school as normal, and everything is…