Mike Whitney and Ron Unz, The Covid BioWeapon: Made in the USA, Aimed at China

MIKE WHITNEY AND RON UNZ  [Editor’s note: A fascinating review of facts and circumstances related to the (purported) pandemic, where we have extensive evidence that the entire “pandemic” is a phantom and that we, the American people, and most of the world’s population are suffering from a mass illusion.] “…..we are left with the strong likelihood that Covid came from a laboratory (and) was designed as a bioweapon… China was the intended target (and) America seems the likely source of the attack… The most likely suspects would be rogue elements of our…

Soviet Toxicologist, Igor Shepherd: Covid Vaccine is a Genocide Bioweapon

Igor Shepherd [Editor’s note: While I certainly hope that Trump is not “a traitor”, my commitment to the requirement of total evidence leads me to publish this, because scientific reasoning–and reason and rationality in general–demands that we base our conclusions on all the available evidence, where the acquisition of new evidence or of alternative hypotheses may require to to reject hypotheses we previously accepted, accept hypotheses we previously rejected and leave others in suspense. I continue to believe in him but admit I find this disconcerting.] Left, Toxicologist Igor Shepherd,…

State of the Nation, CORONAVIRUS SYNDROME: The Ultimate Genocidal Bioweapon System

State of the Nation The disease process caused by COVID-19 is best described by the following new disease name: COVID-5G-Chemtrail Syndrome Editor’s Note: Wherever the term Coronavirus Syndrome appears in the Executive Summary below, it is being used as a shortened version of COVID-5G-Chemtrail Syndrome. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Coronavirus Syndrome is not just a simple coronavirus named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization.  It’s actually a far more complex pathogenic micro-organism and disease process than the medical authorities are aware of.  More significantly, it is the biological etiology and environmental causation that must be correctly understood…

Rockefeller Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time

Rockefeller Plan to Use Bioweapons to Impose Martial Law One Quarantine at a Time Aired:  October 21st, 2014 – New York City Document 54 pages –  Lock Step – Read page 19 E X C E R P T S  –  B E L O W An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge . . . An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, “makeshift” solutions to a growing set of problems . . . One important—and novel—component of…


Joachim Hagopian After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intentionally sabotaged the recent ceasefire agreement in order to resume his long plotted Rafah campaign last week, Biden halted one shipment of US bombs headed for Israel. The only reason “the pause” on the US weapons latest bomb delivery occurred, was simply to provide an illusion that the Biden regime “cares” about the ongoing Gaza carnage during an election year to stop the bleeding of his political base – young pro-Palestinian protesting voters and the Midwest’s swing state Arab population. Bibi’s response to Biden’s…


By Joachim Hagopian A topic that I’ve been extensively covering like no other for over ten years now is how politicians in our puppet governments around the globe, particularly in the West, are groomed, bribed, blackmailed and extorted into doing the dirty bidding of their elite puppet master controllers, often with their private army of global intelligence services. Deep State mafia henchmen entice, coerce, strongarm and threaten compliance from politicians as globalist order-followers. In all the most infamous pedophilia scandals that I expose in my 5-book volume series Pedophilia & Empire:…

Joachim Hagopian, The Moscow Theater Tragedy: Evidence Mounts of US-Ukraine Terrorist Involvement

Joachim Hagopian Since my article from last weekend’s tragic terrorist attack near Moscow, a lot of new information has been released supporting Russia’s allegation the attack has direct links to Ukraine. This is a follow-up. The Russian Emergencies Ministry department in the Moscow region released the following body count from the terrorist theater massacre a week earlier: As of 6:00 a.m. Moscow time on March 30, 2024, there were 695 casualties, including 15 children, in the terrorist attack, of whom 144 people, including five children, have been killed. By Monday March 25th, three days after…

Joachim Hagopian, West Point’s ‘Army Values’: Build Back Better ‘Woke’ Replaces ‘Duty, Honor, Country’

Joachim Hagopian On Monday March 11th the US Military Academy at West Point announced that its Mission Statement was changed, excluding the words “Duty, Honor, Country.” It didn’t take long for the adverse reaction. By the end of the Friday work week, Associated Press and many mainstream outlets ran the headline: Duty, Honor, Outrage: Change to West Point’s Mission Statement Sparks Controversy The famous words “Duty, Honor, Country” remain West Point’s motto, but its overt deletion in the Mission Statement drew shockwaves of disapproval and protest from both military veterans and American citizens. Those…

Joachim Hagopian, Today’s Breaking Scandals: From Boeing Whistleblower Silenced to Human Data Harvesting Crimes

Joachim Hagopian 62-year-old John Burnett, a Boeing employee for 32 years who from 2010 to 2017 was a quality control manager, soon turned whistleblower after he witnessed unsafe standards. Just prior to his recent death, Barnett was providing deposition testimony exposing his former employer’s alleged shoddy production quality. He was recently found dead in his truck in another apparent “suicided” case. The press reported the Charleston County coroner’s office claimed his cause of death to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Cui bono? Boeing obviously has the most means and most motive…

AMERICAN BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION: Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon

State of the Nation BE AWARE! These are the two primary drivers of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution. #1  “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” — George Orwell Which means that we are literally moments to midnight in light of all the naked fraud and outright criminality and brazen corruption that has been exposed throughout the U.S. Federal Government.  In point of fact , the American people have never seen so much proven government malfeasance and reckless grifting…