Mike Palecek, editor, PENN Magazine (April 2019)

Penn Magazine April 2019 Find it here: pennmagazine.us  During the first part of the movie Conspiracy [2001], the characters spend a good portion of their time saying “Heil Hitler,” to each other. The movie to be made based on today’s America, also called Conspiracy [2019], will have the characters saluting and greeting each other — each time they see each other, whether coming in or out of the room, having just used the restroom, getting up from the table to get the rolls and then returning, or stumbling back to…

Joe Olson: 9/11 Twin Towers were destroyed using “clean nukes”, WTC 7 with conventional demolitions

Joe Olson 9/11 Twin Towers were destroyed using “clean nukes”, WTC 7 with conventional demolitions 6 July 2018 Mr. President, “Clean Nukes.” The Twin Towers and most of the World Trade Center (apart from WTC-7, which came down seven hours later in a classic controlled demolition) appear to have been demolished – much of it vaporized – using “clean nukes.” The technical term is “minimum residual radiation” (MRR, also sometimes called “reduced residual radiation,” RRR). Residual radiation is what remains by way of radioactive contaminants after the initial radiation of the first…

HARRETZ (2016): American Jewish Establishment Stifles Free Speech to Silence Zionism’s Critics

Peter Beinart / HARRETZ [Editor’s note: As Cynthia McKinney explained to Marzieh Hasmhimi on Press TV in 2011 (the video of which has been suppressed), new members of Congress are asked to sign a pledge to put the interests of Israel ahead of those of the United States, where those who decline find themselves confronted with a well-financed alternative candidate next time around or that their district has been redrawn and they no longer have a seat. She was able to overcome those obstacles, but even as notable a member as…

LA Times is Wrong — Nancy Pelosi is Not Winning — An Open Letter from Robert Steele to Doyle McManus

By Robert David Steele Mr. McManus, I enjoyed your article today on Pelosi winning, “Nancy Pelosi is winning in her battle with Trump,” but I think you are missing a larger context in which Trump is winning across the board and is certain of re-election. Here’s why… As the author myself of the very popular Amazon Kindle  Donald Trump, The Accidental President — Under Siege!: A Soft Coup Rages within a Closed Rigged System…. (Trump Revolution Book 5) also free online here, I completely agree with a third of your…

Hacker group releases ‘9/11 Papers’, says future leaks will ‘burn down’ US deep state

Sara K. Schwittek The Dark Overlord hacker group has released decryption keys for 650 documents it says are related to 9/11. Unless a ransom is paid, it threatened with more leaks that will have devastating consequences for the US ‘deep state’. The document dump is just a fraction of the 18,000 secret documents related to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks believed to have been stolen from insurers, law firms, and government agencies. Hacker group threatens to leak 9/11 ‘truth’ unless paid in bitcoin The Dark Overlord initially threatened to…

Robert Mueller: 9/11 Truthers Should Be Treated As Terrorists

Sean Adl-Tabatabal [Editor’s note: Although this piece originally appeared on 5 June 2018, it highlights concerns that Robert Mueller was made the Director of the FBI prior to 9/11 and remained in office during the Sandy Hook shooting hoax and the Boston marathon bombing hoax. His role appears to be to conceal the truth from the American people, not to reveal it.] Robert Mueller says those seeking the truth about what really happened on September 11 should be treated as terrorists and monitored by the FBI and DHS.  Back in…

US Attorney takes First Steps toward convening 9/11 Grand Jury

by Jim Fetzer As the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, I am of course greatly pleased at the prospect that the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York should be taking initial steps to convene a 9/11 Grand Jury, as Richard Gage and A&E911 have reported. My concerns, however, arise over the prospect that this reinvestigation might be on a par with the 9/11 Commission investigation, which David Ray Griffin, THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT: OMISSIONS AND DISTORTIONS (2005), so ably exposed. I am especially concerned because Richard…

PENN Magazine (December 2018): The Resistance

PENN Magazine December 2018 Vol. II No.  2 Go here: pennmagazine.us Or here: https://archive.org/details/December2018PennMagazine210/page/n3 Maybe tomorrow. But for sure by next Wednesday. No, wait, that’s not good for me. Can you do Thursday? Thursday’s good. The Revolution Is Thursday. See you there. Will it be streamed? Didn’t we already cover this decades ago? It will not be streamed. [What is Friday looking like for you?] In 2008, when Chuck Gregory and I started The New American Dream website and in 2011 the radio show, the premise has always been that there…

The Millennium Report: Khashoggi Assassination Plot Exposed

The Millennium Report The gruesome details of the Khashoggi assassination conspiracy speak volumes. Such a horrific killing with all the grisly details are rarely reported by the mainstream media (MSM) except by purposeful design. See: ‘They Cut Him Up While He Was Still Alive’: Grisly Details Of Saudi Journalists’ Killing Emerge There are several co-conspirators involved in this [ALLEGED] shocking murder of a journalist who worked for The Washington Post—an institutional pillar of the CIA’s Mockingbird Media. Each co-conspirator’s relationship to each other is crucial in understanding the plot. What is even…