Joachim Hagopian, Zionist Israel Still Suppresses Trump Release of JFK, 9/11 and Jeffrey Epstein Files

Joachim Hagopian The common thread that Zionist Israel lurks behind the JFK assassination, the 9/11 attacks and the Epstein blackmail operation is why President Donald Trump and his Attorney General Pam Bondi still refuse to release those promised files – all to protect the criminality of terrorist state Israel. Despite compromised US government sock puppets always touting that Israel is America’s closest ally, Israel is not only not our close ally, Israel is in fact America’s worst, most dangerous enemy that possesses a long history of betrayal toward America. Yet today Israel owns Trump, his Synagogue…

Alan Sabrosky, Deadly Delusions: When the Plans Work All Too Well

ALAN SABROSKY  Prelude The first week of June, I watched all thirteen episodes of a mini-series called Amerika (1987) I had briefly seen in part thirty-odd years before. Yes, I know it is a Hollywood production. Yes, I know it is fiction, just as I know that (e.g.) 1984 is fiction. Yes, I know many of the details re wrong for our time, most notably that the USSR is gone. Nonetheless, it shook me profoundly, and I could not understand why. Being a methodological Germanic scholar (perhaps a triple tautology?), I set out to understand…

Gholemreza Montazami, Who is America’s Greater Enemy, Israel or Iran?

Gholemreza Montazami [Editor’s note: The author is a Retired Iranian Diplomat and General Director of the International New Horizon Organization, which sponsors international conferences in Tehran that bring together scholars and public intellectuals from around the world to address problems of mutual interest and concern, where I participated there in 2014. As I frequently emphasize, Iran is a peaceful nation that has not launched a war of aggression against any other state since 1775. Would the United States had such a record, where the US and Israel, alas, are the…