Joachim Hagopian, Increasing Evidence Suggests AI and Interdimensional Demonic Forces Are Already Here

Joachim Hagopian Over the last couple months, even the US government that for the last eight decades emphatically denied ETs is increasingly floating the idea of “alien intelligence,” no longer denying the existence of alien technology and other worldly disclosure. It appears to be a setup leading to what NASA’s very first director a former German Nazi Werner von Braun on his deathbed in 1977 confessed the sobering warning to humanity, that the controllers will attempt to stage a fake alien invasion, deploying space-based weapons, akin to Project Blue Beam, in order to usher in…

OPERATION TORCH CALIFORNIA: A Special Report on the Firestorm Terror Operation

Globalists Use Geoengineers to Conduct False Flag Environmental Terrorism to Distract from Election Theft “Operation Torch California is a very real ongoing black operation being conducted by the U.S. Intelligence Community in collusion with Operation Gladio.  These false flag terrorist attacks are first and foremost a highly sophisticated psyop.  They have many goals.  And they will continue until California has been completely subjugated by the globalists.” — Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer State of the Nation The apocalyptic firestorms that have afflicted the state of California over the…