Sean Davis, Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge

Sean Davis Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing. Between May 2018 and August 2019, the intelligence community secretly eliminated a requirement that whistleblowers provide direct, first-hand knowledge of alleged wrongdoings. This raises questions about the intelligence community’s behavior regarding the August submission of a whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump. The new complaint document no longer requires potential whistleblowers who wish to have their concerns expedited to Congress to have direct,…

NEVER FORGET: What Really Happened on 9/11: Who was Responsible and Why

Jim Fetzer [Editor’s note: As we approach the 18th observance of 9/11, I am republishing several blogs to reaffirm what really happened, who was responsible and why. This blog originally appeared on 12 September 2017 under the title, “What Really Happened: America Nuked on 9/11”. I have added two videos, “9/11: Who was responsible and why”, and Christopher Bollyn exposes Alex Jones as a 9/11 Zionist Gatekeeper”,] The Cambridge University Press journal, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, became an instant sensation by publishing target articles on specific, well-defined subjects and inviting…

Kevin Ryan, The CIA’s Influence Over the Media: Use of the “Conspiracy Theorist” Slur

Kevin Ryan “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th.”—George W. Bush, November 10, 2001 [Editor’s note: While Kevin Ryan and I have had profound differences in relation to 9/11 research (where he propounds the nanothermite theory that T. Mark Hightower and I dispatched in a series of three articles in 2011, including “Is 9/11 Truth based upon a false theory?”, “Nanothermite: If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”. and (more recently) “On C-SPAN, Richard Gage leaves 9/11 Truth in a time warp”, in…

Dr. Eowyn, Insider reveals Facebook is a Deep State “Psy-Op”

Dr. Eowyn  A man who claims to be a Harvard classmate (and “gay” lover) of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, with insider knowledge of the founding of Facebook, has written an insider account of the founding of Facebook. The anonymous man says: Facebook was a psych-op project of the U.S. deep state from the very beginning. Deep state operatives chose Zuckerberg to be the figure-head co-founder of Facebook, but Zuckerberg does not have the necessary computer and IT expertise to be credible as the founder. Zuckerberg is bi-sexual, with a preference…

Anonymous Partiots, Facebook Insider Confesses All: Mark Zuckerberg’s a Fraud Used by the CIA

ANONYMOUS PATRIOTS  The following anonymous document claims to be written by a Facebook insider who was Mark Zuckerberg’s lover from their freshman year at Harvard. Mark’s continuing indiscretions with his ongoing government contract keep getting him in trouble to this day. Mark was supposed to simply be the fake “boy genius” of Larry Summers’ (Harvard’s president) social media project funded by DARPA/In-Q-Tel (CIA)/IBM and the secretive international “public-private” group called The Highlands Group organized with the DoD Office of Net Assessment. It was Summers and a group of government officials…

Brandon Smith, Are “Conspiracy Theories” Tearing Society Apart or Saving Us from Destruction?

Brandon Smith The phrase “conspiracy theory” is often used by establishment agencies, the mainstream media and useful idiots as a tool to dismiss legitimate evidence or viewpoints that disagree with their predetermined version of events. This method of propaganda was not always as widespread as it is today. The phrase was not “created” by the CIA, but it was in fact weaponized by them in the 1960’s after the assassination of John F. Kennedy with the express purpose of shutting down rational debate. CIA memo 1035-960, circulated within the CIA in…

Jim Fetzer, The Russia Hoax Comes Apart at the Seams

Jim Fetzer If you watch only one video this year, this is the one to watch. See how the DOJ/FBI was hijacked by Hillary Clinton and the DNC to sabotage Candidate Trump and subvert President Trump. It’s far worse than you thought. See how murder and politics intersect. Robert Mueller has a history of crime and corruption, including covering up 9/11, Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing. He even married into the CIA. The mainstream media has lied to us for two-and-a-half years–and continues to this day!. Can you handle…

Secretary of Efficient Defense or Secretary of Wasteful War? Robert David Steele as a Candidate – The Only Candidate with a Grand Strategy

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor [Editor’s note: Robert David Steele is also the editor of the 9/11 POTUS MEMORANDA and of the SANDY HOOK POTUS MEMORANDA, with both of which I lent a hand. He is also the Chief Counsel to the International Tribunal on Natural Justice committed to exposing and eradicating child sex trafficking and pedophilia around the world. I hold him in high esteem.]  James Mattis resigned because he represented the military-industrial complex (and its Zionist patron), and this brought him into conflict with the President, who is…

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Is Changing The World Order against Its Own Interests

Paul Craig Roberts The hubris and arrogance of Washington have been at work since the Clinton regime to destroy the power and relevance of the United States. This website has an international audience. The most asked question from this audience is the world order. There is a realization that Washington’s control might weaken, a development people abroad see as hopeful. They ask me for verification of their hope. Here is my answer: The world order has already changed.  China has a larger and more powerful industrial and manufacturing based economy…


NOVEMBER 22, 2018 MHB Prefatory Note on Censorship in Academe This study was written in 2013-14 as part of my academic research as Associate Professor of Media Studies at Florida Atlantic University. I have had numerous papers addressing news coverage of historical events published in academic journals over the past two decades. However, this was the first attempt to offer a scholarly treatment of a research object related to a conspiracy–how the news media “framed” New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison’s JFK assassination inquiry. When I presented the paper at the…