Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., The Biological Future of the Human Species

by Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. It seems we are in for some big changes. Some say there will be real physical changes made to the human being by design — our DNA will be maliciously fiddled with. I am not able to foresee what may happen in that regard. I’m here to address the way basic forces of biology are acting upon us. I have always been interested in morality and law on the one hand, and exploitation and war on the other. My Ph.D. dissertation, “The Moral Relationship…

Jack Mullen, Reality’s Harsh Taste: Civilization Commits Suicide

Jack Mullen Tikkun Olam is the Jewish way of saying “the world needs fixing, and it’s our job to fix it.” denial Psychiatry A primitive–ego defense–mechanism by which a person unconsciously negates the existence of a disease or other stress-producing reality in his environment, by disavowing thoughts, feelings, wishes, needs, or external reality factors that are consciously intolerable.  The current state of Western Civilization can be characterized in terms of long term mental illness; a mass psychosis with institutionalized support.  America, for example, has become a nation of traumatized children, having…