Mary Maxwell, Time To Overturn Marbury v Madison? Too Bad Scotus Botched 9/11

Mary Maxwell, LL.B., Ph.D. Did the Framers of the US Constitution in 1787 genuinely wrack their brains to come up every possible power-constraining mechanism for citizens to use against an evil government? I don’t know.  But, as I will argue below, any omissions on their part can be filled in by other mechanisms that are present in the Constitution. Don’t give up hope! One huge omission at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787 was the Founders’ failure to raise the question: What if some Americans become so wealthy that they can…

Joachim Hagopian, Road to Destruction – 2019 Christchurch Mosque False Flag Shooting & New Zealand’s Strict Gun Control

Joachim Hagopian [Author’s note: Back in 2019 amidst busily writing the 5 Pedophila & Empire books, along came the New Zealand false flag shooting. I wrote about it at the time but never bothered sending it out. Mary Maxwell reminded me earlier today if I ever did anything on it, she would like to know. So I found it and came up with this revised updated edition to piggyback off my last article. Figured with so many US false flag shootings, it seems relevant today.] Recent mass killings in Texas since…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., How Sandy Hook Children Can Sue, at Age 18

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. This article looks at the harm that was done to children in Newtown Connecticut or the surrounding area, who were coerced to lie about the false massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES). That is, I begin from the premise that the event of December 14, 2012 was a hoax, arranged by governmental authorities and perhaps private groups. (If I am wrong about that premise, the material here can still be useful, regarding children who are coerced to lie about other things.) I am sure that…

Mary Maxwell, America’s Downfall: the Sandy Hook Hoax Has Lasted Ten Years This Week

MaryMaxwell [Send E-Mail] Date: Tuesday, 13-Dec-2022 14:35:32 [Editor’s note: The photo I added  (above) is of “Noah Pozner” celebrating his 8th birthday. (Count the candles!) Pretty good for a boy who died at Sandy Hook at the age of 6!] Ten years ago on December 14, 2012, the FBI, or some other part of the US government, played a trick on the American people. They put out a story that 20 children were shot by 20-year-old Adam Lanza. No kid actually got shot, so that is a happy fact, but…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., The Sandy Hook School Shooting Did Not Happen. Period.

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. [Editor’s note: Mary published this on 13 February 2022, but I seem to have missed it. To make amends for my sin of omission, therefore, I am republished it here and now. Mary’s new book, UNREALITY: Sandy Hook Messes Minds, by the way, can be downloaded for free as a PDF from] I am a Boston-born dual citizen of US and Australia. Last night it was amazing to see, thanks to the miracle of YouTube, a huge, huge group of Aussies converging on Parliament House…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., The Biological Future of the Human Species

by Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. It seems we are in for some big changes. Some say there will be real physical changes made to the human being by design — our DNA will be maliciously fiddled with. I am not able to foresee what may happen in that regard. I’m here to address the way basic forces of biology are acting upon us. I have always been interested in morality and law on the one hand, and exploitation and war on the other. My Ph.D. dissertation, “The Moral Relationship…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B., Thirteen Reasons Why I Reject the Official Sandy Hook Story

by Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LL.B. In 2014, a so-called terrorist event occurred in Australia. I happened to get involved in investigating it and found that it was a set-up by government. The terrorist — a Muslim, natch — went through his paces that day, holding a dozen or more people hostage, in a cafe right smack dab in Sydney’s business district. At the end, he (Man Haron Monis) reportedly shot a hostage dead, and then was killed by police. A young-mother hostage died from ricochet of police bullets. Eventually…

Mary Maxwell: “Sandy Hook Is Definitely a Hoax. I Repeat: Sandy Hook Is a Hoax.”

By Mary W Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB [Editor’s note: The photo is of Wolfgang Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper and school principal, asking questions about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting during the public participation section of the Board of Education meeting at the Newtown Municipal Center Council Chambers in Newtown, Conn. Tuesday, May 6, 2014. I was there and spoke second. Wolfgang will be my guest on The Raw Deal (28 September 2022) Noon-2 PM/ET. Listen LIVE via, Studio B.] Let’s start with a quick recap of the…

Mary Maxwell, Sandy Hook “Trials”? (Alex Jones, James Fetzer) — Nothing’s Been Put on the Table

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB [Editor’s note: Since Justice Gorsuch has shared my Motion to Stay with the other members of the Court and will be in conference on 7 October 2022, it now appears that I will know whether the Court will hear my case on 10 October 2022. While the demand for a jury trial was made by the Plaintiff rather than by me, it applied to all of us.]  (Note: This article first appeared on September 23, 2022 at New Hampshire’s, with the title “Is Alex Jones…

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB, Error Coram Nobis in Bushmaster Gun (Sandy Hook) Case

Mary Maxwell, Ph.D., LLB I have the impression that the gun industry is now the clutches of the US government. In a recent case in which a gun manufacturer was sued for “its part” in a school shootout, the parties settled for $73 million. I have now approached that Connecticut court to petition for a Writ of Error Coram Nobis. My motive for taking the action below has almost nothing to do with gun rights. It has to do with truth rights. We citizens have a right to see that…