THE CONFERENCE SCHEDULE SITE: DOUBLETREE-by-HILTON Market Center, Dallas TX Date: Nov. [15],16-17-18 SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Theme: “THE BIG PICTURE: WHY JFK, RFK & MLK HAD TO DIE” – more than 40 SPEAKERS THURS – SUNDAY! Thursday, Nov. 15: Many of you are arriving too late to join other activities beginning Thurs. AM, so we have arranged to expand the conference to include Thurs. PM. 1:00: CONFERENCE ROOM: Greetings to Friends, Helpers & Early Arrivals 1:05 – 2:00: [Stockholm, by Skype] Ole Dammegard: “Parallels between the murders of JFK and Sweden’s Prime Minister Olof Palme” [by Skype, from Spain] 2:05…