George Freund, The Assassination Bureau Pro Russian Leaders Marked for Death

George Freund The world moves at the speed of the predator not the prey. That is an older ‘georgism,’ but an accurate assessment of life in the system we are imprisoned in. Most everyone is indoctrinated in the code of silence as a defense mechanism. However, there are competing interests that understand nothing has changed since the times of Sir Francis Drake. The mercantile nations loot and plunder with reckless abandon. Countries are marginalized under the yoke of the financial tyrants and their plantation managers we conveniently term our elected…

The 6th Annual JFK Dallas Conference (15-18 November 2018)

THE CONFERENCE SCHEDULE SITE: DOUBLETREE-by-HILTON Market Center, Dallas TX Date: Nov. [15],16-17-18   SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE Theme: “THE BIG PICTURE: WHY JFK, RFK & MLK HAD TO DIE” – more than 40 SPEAKERS THURS – SUNDAY! Thursday, Nov. 15: Many of you are arriving too late to join other activities beginning Thurs. AM, so we have arranged to expand the conference to include Thurs. PM. 1:00: CONFERENCE ROOM: Greetings to Friends, Helpers & Early Arrivals 1:05 – 2:00: [Stockholm, by Skype] Ole Dammegard: “Parallels between the murders of JFK and Sweden’s Prime Minister Olof Palme” [by Skype, from Spain] 2:05…