Press TV’s Hashemi unlikely to be released immediately: Son

PressTV A court in the United States has confirmed the arrest of US-born Iranian Press TV news presenter Marzieh Hashemi as a material witness in an unspecified investigation. Ms. Hashemi, 59, was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on unspecified charges upon arrival at St. Louis Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, Missouri, on Sunday, her family and friends said. At the request of the US Justice Department, Judge Beryl Alaine Howell, the chief district judge for the District of Columbia, issued a federal court order, approving the partial unsealing of…

Detained American Iranian TV Anchor, Marzieh Hashemi, to Appear in Court

By Alison Weir  AP update: Iran’s state-run English-language channel is reporting that its American anchorwoman detained in the U.S. will appear in court in Washington. Press TV said Marzieh Hashemi’s court appearance is Friday. It did not elaborate. The newscaster’s son has said his mother was arrested Sunday in St. Louis by the FBI on a material witness warrant. The FBI has declined to comment. Her detention comes amid heightened tensions between Iran and the U.S. after President Donald Trump withdrew America from the nuclear deal. The New York-based Committee to…

Political Experts Views on Press TV anchor’s arrest: ‘PR nightmare for US’

PressTV Press TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi, who is an American national based in Iran, has been detained and jailed by US federal agents for unspecified reasons while on a visit to the country. Hashemi’s family members and media activists have launched a social media campaign with the hashtags #FreeMarziehHashemi and #Pray4MarziehHashemi in support of the detained journalist. While pursuing her case, the Iranian news network has been interviewing a range of her fellow-journalists, commentators, and others to obtain their viewpoints on Hashemi’s arrest and ill-treatment at a detention facility in Washington. What follows…

American law expert: Hashemi’s detention ‘unconstitutional’

PressTV An American law expert tells Press TV that the arrest and imprisonment of its journalist and news presenter, Marzieh Hashemi, on unspecified charges runs contrary to the American Constitution, which forbids “unreasonable” seizures. Hashemi, an American-born journalist based in Iran, was detained on the weekend upon arrival at the international airport in St. Louis, Missouri, without any explanations, her family and friends told Press TV on Wednesday. The journalist was later transferred by US federal agents to a detention facility in Washington, while no formal charges have been pressed against…

Press TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi jailed in US on Unspecified Charges

PressTV Marzieh Hashemi, a journalist and anchor working for Iran’s English-language Press TV television news network, has been detained and imprisoned in the United States for unspecified reasons. American-born Hashemi, most famous for anchoring news programs and presenting shows for Press TV, was detained upon arrival at St. Louis Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, Missouri, on Sunday, her family and friends said. Press TV has learned that she was transferred by the FBI to a detention facility in Washington, DC. The US officials have so far refused to provide…

PENN Magazine (December 2018): The Resistance

PENN Magazine December 2018 Vol. II No.  2 Go here: Or here: Maybe tomorrow. But for sure by next Wednesday. No, wait, that’s not good for me. Can you do Thursday? Thursday’s good. The Revolution Is Thursday. See you there. Will it be streamed? Didn’t we already cover this decades ago? It will not be streamed. [What is Friday looking like for you?] In 2008, when Chuck Gregory and I started The New American Dream website and in 2011 the radio show, the premise has always been that there…

OPERATION GLADIO C: Government-Sponsored Domestic Terrorism Targets American Public Schools

How the CIA’s MKUltra Mind Control Program Creates ‘Mass Shooters’ and Turns ‘Lone Gunmen’ Into Patsies State of the Nation OPERATION GLADIO C “The United States has been under the complete control of the “Very Deep State” (much deeper than Deep State) for decades. The “Very Deep State” (VDS) uses the alphabet soup agencies of the U.S. Intelligence Community to monitor and police every sphere of life in American society.  Just like the Soviet Union of the last century, there are no secrets.  Only now there really are NO secrets anywhere…

Tim Brown, Alleged Pipe Bombs To Democrats & CNN Are Very Suspicious

Tim Brown I’m just going to say it.  The only people I’ve ever seen become truly violent are those aligned with Democrats.  That’s not saying all Democrats are violent, but those that would support them are mostly Marxists, which means the ends justifies the means.  With that said, this news about pipe bombs going to key Democrats raises some suspicions just weeks ahead of the elections. We’re not talking about unknown Democrats here.  We’re talking the usurper Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah and Hillary Clinton, as well as fake news network CNN,…

The Triumph of Dubious Cover-Ups by Government Officials

By LV In the third quarter of the nineteenth century, when he was confronted with damning evidence of Tammany Hall corruption, William “Boss” Tweed famously challenged anyone who made such an accusation with this taunt:  “Well, what are you going to do about it?”   That’s how powerful and invulnerable Boss Tweed thought he and his cabal of cronies were.  They ran New York City with an iron fist and believed they could do whatever they pleased to line their pockets.  Tweed got away with his illicit gains for some time before justice finally caught…

Report: Ford’s FBI Friend, Monica McLean, Pressured Witness To Modify Testimony and Statement…

October 5, 2018 by sundance If you thought it was sketchy that Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford’s life-long best friend was a recently retired FBI agent and DOJ official, Monica McLean {Go Deep}; and if you thought it was sketchy that McLean and Ford were together on July 30th when Ford was writing a  letter to Dianne Feinstein, likely making the friend Ms Ford’s “handler” for the operation against Kavanaugh; then it’s even more sketchy today with a report that McLean was pressuring witness Leland Keyser to shape her statements and testimony to the FBI.…