Joachim Hagopian [The Criminal Prosecution of Armenia] says its criminal investigation into Azerbaijan’s attack – a violation of the November 9, 2020 trilateral statement and several international treaties prohibiting the use of force or the threat to use force and invading the territory of another country gathered information on war crimes and criminal violations of Customary international humanitarian law.  During the fall of 2020, Azerbaijan invaded an area the size of Delaware known as Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh in Armenian) in the last 44-day war, Israeli supplied Azeri drones proved to be the key to…

Joachim Hagopian, The Elephant in Today’s War Room: Casualties of War Wounded and Killed Amidst the Enemy’s Death Jab

Joachim Hagopian 40-something Tulsa, Oklahoma NBC News affiliate anchor Julie Chin suffered a stroke on live TV last Saturday morning. Her story is currently making international headlines. Though mum’s the MSM word on whether Julie received death jabs that likely caused it, those who are half aware realize the lethal danger involved after receiving the COVID non-vaccines, are undoubtedly concluding that Julie Chin is more than likely another death jab victim. Yet you’ll never learn this watching CNN or reading the New York Times. With so much at stake, the corporate media has only doubled…


By Joachim Hagopian At every turn signs of madness prevail on this imperiled earth like never before. Despite proof that the conjuring of the greatest deception in world history – the so-called Covid-19 pandemic – has never been proven to even exist scientifically, nor been isolated under a microscope, but by criminal conspiracy, the pandemic threat along with climate change and green agenda are the hoaxes driving the elites’ global economy collapse masquerading as their Great Reset. Injecting “Warp Speed” bioweapons into billions of unsuspecting arms trusting their government authorities generating obscene profits of $124 billion for the Rockefeller-controlled Big Pharma…

EXCLUSIVE: Deep state planning false flag attack in order to blame “anti-vaxxers” and gun owners

Mike Adams (Natural News) Yesterday was a bizarre day at Natural News, where after I published an article calling for Nuremberg-style prosecutions of vaccine researchers who use human children for medical experiments, I received several phone calls. The most relevant call came from someone I did not know, and whose number did not appear on my phone. It was sheer chance that I even answered it. As I explain in my Situation Update podcast below, this person identified himself as a supporter of my site and said he works for…

Thomas Dalton, Denying Holocaust Denial

Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. On April 8, it was announced that Canada would soon be joining an illustrious club: the enlightened nations of the world that have elected to ban so-called Holocaust denial.  Depending on how one interprets the law, there are currently 18 nations that either explicitly ban “Holocaust denial” (including Germany, Austria, France, Israel, Italy, Poland, Hungary, and Russia) or generically ban “denial of genocide” (Switzerland and Lichtenstein).  Canada would then be the nineteenth nation in this honor roll of obsequiousness. Canada’s action comes not long after the UN General Assembly…

Could Juan O Savin be a highly sophisticated black hat psy-op? How about Dave at the X22 Report?  

MAXtheMAGAnificent [Editor’s note: Published at the suggestion of Joachim Hagopian, who thinks Max has said it even better than he has himself.] A person called “Juan O Savin” has become the de facto ultimate information source for the alternative media when it comes to the goings on with respect to the “white hats” and the exiled Trump Administration which is supposed to still be in control of the U.S. military…at least the Cheyenne Mountain nuclear forces control site, the twelve top combat commanders, and the base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.…

Joachim Hagopian, Luciferian Endgame Control: Killing our God Gene to Destroy our Faith in Our Creator

Joachim Hagopian  This is not about woo woo New Age hyperbole but hardcore scientific, empirically driven evidence that the earth controllers have created DNA altering bioweapons to not only effectively depopulate our planet but also to kill the VMAT2 God gene that allows humans to connect with our Source Creator that major religions typically refer to as God. Recall that globalists from Adam Weishaupt’s founding of his Bavarian Order of the Illuminati financed by Amschel Rothschild back in 1776, have identified religion for the last two and a half centuries…

GLOBAL ALERT: An estimated 10 million people PER DAY are set on irreversible countdown to vaccine death that could exterminate BILLIONS if not stopped in the next year

Mike Adams (Natural News) This is a red alert for humanity. We have less time remaining than you might think. I’ve done some rough math, and it’s beyond alarming. It spells the end of human civilization if we don’t stop the vaccine holocaust in the next 365 days. As estimates and projections show below, as long as “clot shot” covid vaccines are being administered around the world, about ten million people each day are being put on an irreversible countdown to vaccine death. For each day that these vaccine shots continue, in…

Patrick J. McShay, COVID-19 Vaccine Agenda: Mass Immunization Or Mass Genocide?

by Patrick J. McShay “The most merciful thing a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” — Margaret Sanger, Author, Eugenicist, Founder of Planned Parenthood, and Hillary Clinton’s hero “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it” — Frederic Bastiat, Author and Economist Our illegitimate, unelected, and confused president, Joe Biden, appeared on a CNN…

Jack Mullen, Gentlemen’s Genocide

 Jack Mullen In war, practice dissimulation, and you will succeed. —Sun Zhu War is insidious, genocide is usually preceded by deception. Braindead Americans continue to beLIEve and behave according to “information” provided by the enemy-controlled mainstream media. American mainstream media is now under full control of the enemy which has usurped governments, taken control of the nation, and is murdering, maiming, plundering and soon starving the American people. This enemy disguises itself as a deadly disease, pretending that the invisible and, as of yet unidentified, disease is causing the death…