Joachim Hagopian, Pathway to Gulag Amerika Amidst Prison Planet Chaos

Joachim Hagopian During the first quarter of the 21st century, City of London overlords have imposed policies embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in order to create and in large part enforce the largest migration crises in modern history. The planetary rulers have used their bribed and blackmailed puppet leaders in the world’s three wealthiest continents possessing the largest white “goyim” Christian populations – North America, Europe and Australia/New Zealand, to permit massive illegal immigrant populations by the tens of millions from Third World nations to deliberately flood the West with…

Joachim Hagopian, British Riots – Tip of the Globalist Iceberg for Tyranny? Or Public Pushback against Globalist Migration Crises?

Joachim Hagopian With the Democrats’ coup forcing a senile Joe Biden out of the November election last month, and the Democratic National Convention now less than two weeks away in Chicago, on Friday August 2nd, Vice President Kamala Harris secured enough delegates to become the 2024 Democrat nominee to run against Donald Trump. Despite her role as the border czar the last four years, she never once bothered to show up at the border. Instead she and Biden have treasonously followed their globalist masters’ orders, allowing a nonstop immigrant invasion, intentionally leaving the border…