Christchurch Attack Decoded: A Manifestation of Zionist Master Plan to Orchestrate War between the Muslim and Christian World

By Sabtain Ahmed Dar Introduction Kevin Barrett In my recent article Sorry Ilhan, Jews HAVE Hypnotized the World I mentioned the five-century-old Zionist plan to trick Christians and Muslims into destroying themselves in an apocalyptic war, from whose ruins the “fake Jewish Messiah” a.k.a. the Antichrist/Dajjal would arise to rule the world from Jerusalem. As if on cue, the Christchurch attack exploded into world headlines, offering more evidence that this heretical messianic freemasonic-Zionist plot is very real. The article below confirms that impression. [Editor’s note: Bear in mind that, as many reports…

Post-New Zealand Hoax: What’s Next For Europeans?

JACK MULLEN It should be easy now for peoples of European descent to notice a pattern in media promoted “mass shootings”; shootings supported with a “single-script” (mantra) heard on every TV station and news publication, repeated with days of coverage and same industry-wide propaganda commentary. These trauma inducing events are weaponized psychological operations terrorizing people not yet shielded by  knowledge. Since at least 2008, these shootings are portraying white people as supremacists (Charlottesville) or racists (Charleston SC Church, Tree of Life Synagogue shooting) or extremists and haters (Las Vegas, Parkland, Sandy…